Chapter I forget which number

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Sorry guys, no Billdip, I was just going to write about the aftermaths of everything. Hete me if you will, I think it's a good addition. This might be one of my best writes! 

One year later....

"Come on Dip-Dop, you can't be hung up on your boyfriend, he left remember, he left you behind like an ass-hole who didn't give a shit about you, that lame ass". Dipper wiped hot tears from his eyes, watching as Mabel's eyes went, "Come on Mabel, lighten up, you were doing so well, you had gotten so close to your sweet self". A dry smile crossed Mabel's face as she walked at of the bathroom, brushing maple syrup out of her hair, "I don't think I'm ever going to be the same again Dipper, you know that, I-I", she swallowed slowly, marbles growing in her throat, "I've seen some shit and it's going to be hard to get over it, I've just now quit coke cold turkey". She tossed the brush watching as it arched before falling onto her bed. 

"Plus, I don't think it's healthy that you're holding all this in, don't think I don't remember the Pacifica incident when I was stoned off my ass, I need to know. You seemed to be able to see her too, but you also seemed to see my drug induced hallucination of your eye candy". Dipper scoffed dotting a period onto his writing, his eyes scanning over for errors. 

"I- you don't know what you're talking about, you weren't in the right mind",

"Neither, were you, that man was obsessive, you don't think that I didn't see it, he was hurting you, I could your abuse and fear in your eyes, you fricking hated him, why can't you see that Dip-Dop"? She smacked him on the head, apologizing profusely when she saw Dipper wince. "Oh jeez, I'm so sorry, still used to hitting people because they're attacking me, I'm sorry".

Dipper nodded walking down to the kitchen, his hands shaking as they swiped over the cabinet.

"So how old are you two chuckle heads now", Dipper looked over to see his Gruncle covered in bills and fees. 

"We're just turned eighteen, why"? The older smiled shoving all the bright white papers into the trash kicking it, "Because we're taking your barely adult buts to Vegas, I want to see all those family game nights pay off"! There was screaming heard and Mabel came rushing down, a sweater with a winking disco ball on the sweater. 

"Vegas boys here I come", Gruncle Stan chuckled nudging Dipper, 

"Looks like now you've got yourself a better wingman". Dipper blushed, feeling worry settle in his gut, he really had never dated before and after the Bill experience, he was worried about messing it up. Everyone seemed to be looking at Dipper in wait, Mabel bouncing and Gruncle Stan with one of the cockiest smiles on his face ever. 

"Why the hell not", Mabel screamed going to give Dipper a bone crushing hug, Gruncle Stan joining the mix. 

"Where the hell are all of you off to", Stan looked up to see Ford standing in the hall way, his face as stern as stone, a tone like a loaded gun. 

"We are going to Vegas to eat, drink and gamble", the con man went to go grab his keys, whistling a campy tune. "Not on my watch, they're too young to drink, I'm not allowing you three to get into some sort of jail". Mabel snorted, "Come on Ford, it's not like we haven't been in jail before, this version of where we do dumb things is probably the better version of us that gets high and dates demons". It slipped out before she even knew what was happening. 


"Way to go Mabel", Ford growled slapping his twin over the head, "Who did you date Mabel". Dipper was starting to feel like a beached whale now, his body seemed sluggish and bumbling while his whole body was covered in sweat. "Well not me, I'm the one who got high off my ass, Dipper's the one who dated our greatest enemy". 

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