Chapther two

817 27 12

Dipper's pov
The front of the school is particularly beautiful this time of year, dry, cronies leaves fall around you and in your lap. The smell of autumn is notable in the air and flowers circle the trees for extra nutrients. The scene of death and life surrounds the school in miserable ways to most, I just love sitting here though.

I tap my feets along to the beat of Hamilton, my hands twirling bits of branches together for the base of my crown, magenta poppies and light purple orchids lay by feet for my too weave into the crown. When I had finished I was half way done with the Hamilton sound-track and my crown looked like something from a fairytale, I planned to make one for Grenda, we were going to watch Princess Bride at my place later tonight, mostly focus on the were part. Mabel's making me go to Robbie's gay party.

I got up to go home, my free period was almost up and I wanted to go drown my sorrow in blasting musicals while binge watching tv with a tub of icecream in my lap. I collected my thing only for it to be knocked down. A manicured nail stroked my chin, the bright red paint looking like fresh blood.
"Pacifica", I wrung my hands, they were sweaty and hot, I felt uncomfortable.
"Oh Dippy dear, I heard you could forge letters", Pacifica stuck out her leg, it was supposed to look lustful and tantalizing, it looked weird to my gay brain. I nodded, "yes I can, why", a hand slapped me in the face and Mabel popped into view, she was dressed into a silly yellow dress that showed more than it should.

" Your always ruining things Dipper, just follow our lead, you'll have fun and get laid", Candy pushed Mabel aside and giggled,
  "Yes, yes, every girl at this school wants to get laid with you". Mabel shoved back into place stringing her hair in between her fingers, "except me of course, oh and Grenda, like she'd get laid anyways". I pushed aside, "so why are you here"?

Pacifica chuckled,
"because, Baron wanted to invite dear old Grenda to the party and we were wondering if you could write a note to her"? I shook my head,
"I won't do that to Grenda", Pacifica bay her eyelashes, "do what", she whispered in my ear, the breath was hot and lilac smelling, my stomach dropped in disgust. Mabel kneed me in the gut and I fell to the floor, my eyesight blurry.
"Do it nerd", Candy kicked me in the nose and I felt blood spray out, "we'll be back in a few seconds to collect the note", as she said that Pacifica winked at me, licking her lips.

I shuttered and as I got up a strong hand pressed a wet nap to my nose,
"Thanks Grenda",
"Who"? I jumped back hearing a new voice I've never heard before, "relax kid". I turned wet nap against my bloodied face. The boy was tall, no denying it, his eyes were fiery, amber, it sort of glowed with a power to it and I felt a blush creep in my sweaty cheeks. Freckles, sweet and like sugar dust, swept across his face and moved down to his body. Hair was swept to the side and black shirt was open a few buttons to show a star dusted chest. Three words, DAMN!!

I felt weak in the knees and I tried to sputter out a thank you.
"Th-th-thank- ",
" Kid, I don 't need a thank you, just your number", I blushed a deeper red, I was sure, hopefully the blood covered it up. I nodded looking anywhere but his eyes, they were perfect.
"You shouldn't let them treat you like that". I nodded, but took out paper, "I have to, Pacifica is friends with my sister, I do something my sister doesn't like, she posts a video of me doing something embarrassing" , the new kid chuckled, "alright but if you need anything, he wrote something down," here's my address and number". My stomach dropped, oh shit.

I tried to Thank him again but he just walked away, should I be offended or smitten, 'cause I'm feeling the later. My hands fumbled on the paper and when I had finally slipped the paper into my bag I began the note.

Dear Grenda,
I would love it very much of you came to the party with me, sure Robbie would not mind, I will see you at ten.

I sighed, I really hated this.

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