Chapter fifteen

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My links aren't loading so I thought, hey, they can just imagine it. Credit to the to the artists of the last animatics. It's so fucking hot here, I'm finishing all of this in one day, GAH!

"S-she said that about me". Skin sagged on the corpse as little bits of hair and skin fell to the floor, only to dissipate from view. The smell of rotting flesh clung to Dipper's nose as tear ran out of the mushy, black eyes. Her blood stain mouth kept mumbling repeatedly. "I-I, I left her all alone, you"! Pacifica eyes turned red as her hands clenched with anger, "You made me leave her all alone, I-I, I left her with Candy, I watched as she suffered". 

The anger swelled as another thought swept over her. 

"Someone raped my Mabel, someone dared to put their hands on the love of my life", 

"Um, Paz". Pacifica looked into Dipper's eyes once again turning black, "Now I'm stuck with you, her identical twin". 

"Paz, you didn't even know you loved her again till she had that whole speech". Pacifica's finger fell off as they rounded a corner, the mushy thunk made Dipper cringe. 

Pacifica groaned before disappearing in a puff of death. 

"Mabel", Dipper twirled on his toes before running into the girls bathroom, cursing under his breath. 

"Dipper, what, Dipper". The brown head popped up showing blue crystal pills falling out of her mouth. "Please Dipper", she ran forward, stumbling on nothing, twirling around as she looked at nothing. 

"Aggh, Dipper, make them stop, they're, they're yelling at me". She fell into his arms, spitting out drugged spit, "They want me to go away, Dipper, I want to go away". She dug her face into Dipper's sweater,

"Oh jeez", Dipper flicked the spit of his sweater, stroking her head. "Mabel, how many of these did you eat"? 

"Uggh, Beleventein", she moved to the toilet before barfing, every breath she took was shaky and hurting. "D-Dipper", Mabel screamed backing away, pointing at the space where Dipper's visions of Pacifica were. 

"I-it's Paz, s-she's back". She started sobbing running to hug the now fully formed Pacifica, 

"I-I, I thought I lost you". Pacifica seemed to be crying but Dipper really couldn't tell, her face was to far buried into Mabel's hair. 

"I'm so, so, so, sorry Mabel, I don't ever want to leave you again, please, please". Mabel continued to cry harder, her pupils wide from the pills were now red from all the crying. 

Mabel pushed back, falling down, gasping at her. 

"th-this is from the drugs, r-right", she started hitting her head. Screaming harder,

"P-please Mabel, she's really there, I-I think s-she's a ghost". Suddenly a light flashed and Bill appeared next to his boyfriend. 

"that would be me who caused that, I resurrected her. Kind of, you said you were going to kill yourself, which by the way, I'd never allow,". He snapped his fingers and the amulet glowed, "As long as your wearing this, the only thing that can kill you is me". 

Mabel was suddenly gone along with the ghost of Paz. "I had to do something". Bill floated down, snapping his fingers so we were outside in the parking lot. 

"Bill, what the fuck", I pushed him away, clawing at my necklace, "Y-you, you have my life in it's grasp, you only helped me when I threatened something you love, and, and, and, you were disappointed that my sister hadn't killed herself". Bill shrugged before grabbing me into a hug, his finger threading through my hair. "I would do anything to keep you safe, happy and healthy, but more importantly, I'd do anything to keep you as mine". 

He held onto me harder, digging his face through my curls. 

"Well you can forget about that last part, b-because I-I, I'm done with you". Bill snorted snapping his fingers again, causing me to fall into a drowsy daze. 

"no you're not", he chuckled as I gave in, falling deeper into his shoulder, by body relaxing. 

"B-but I am". I sucked in a breath pushing him away, stuttering to get my voice back. 

"I really do mean it, f-fuck off, stop controlling me", I began to run, my ankles hitting against each other in the slur. 

"Pine tree, Pine tree, Pine tree. As long as you're wearing my amulet you can't leave me". A buzz on my throat was felt as I clawed at the feeling. "Y-you, you're not going to control me". 

I pushed off of him, running towards the forest. Watching as the sky grew red, the gravity distorting, "Ah, at, ah, Come on Pinetree, we're not going to do that, are we"? My feet started to slip as I was pulled closer and closer to him. 

"L-let me go, now, p-please", I pulled myself away, I kept pulling. Screaming as a pain of pressure pushed throug my body. 

"Leave me alone", I was screaming now, anger rippling off me in waves. It was all I could see as I screamed. My face turning was turning red and my breath was growing short, choking on nothing. 

"Come on Pinetree, don't be like that, come back here". 

"C-Cipher, Cipher let me go", Bill hummed tapping on his chin, before a smirk psread on his face, pulling in a alien form. "Bill, you are, Bill you're hurting me". 

The earth turned cold and grey for a moment and everything seemed to stop. The only sound was the wind pushing against me as tears fell down my itching,

"Oh". I fell to my knees as I strugled for breath, gulping it up as pain racked through my ribs. The force causing me to throw up at Cipher's feet. "Pinetree"? 

"Shut up Bill, I don't care", 

"I-I'm sorry, I thought you were going to leave me so I panicked", 

"you thought right I guess, I am leaving". 

My knees scrapped on the gravel as I pulled my self up, my stomach churning from the loss of the pressure. 

"I'm leaving, don't follow", I began to run, my hands and knees bleeding while my chest screamed for air. The forest was silent as grass tickled my legs, staing the socks green. The Mystery Shack visible in the distance. 

"Mabel, I'm home", 

"Dipper, I'm so glad you're here Wendy and I were so worried". 

I laughed as Soos walked out, a eightball staff in one hand and a baby in the other, 

"Dude, we were so worried, Mabel had come home high off her ass claiming her girlfriend was alive again". I chuckled, "Yeah, I miss the days when Smile Dip was the biggest threat". 

"You and me both dog". 


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