Chapter twelve

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"What the hell was that", 

"I was doing what was best Pinetree I'm sure you'd know that". Dipper threw a cup at the taller demon, tears still streaming down his eyes. "You literally threatened to burn my best friend, she's going to tell someone an-and, you're going to take me away from the people I love". Bill stopped, looking down at his boyfriend, "I-I thought you loved me, you'd do anything for someone you love right, so come with me, we're going either way". Dipper stormed out of the school, fire engines arriving to put out the fire, "I can't love Bill Cipher". 

"You say can't, but I know you do, you don't want to, break every rule for me baby, I promise, your life will be better for it". Dipper shoved the hand that Bill had placed on Dipper's shoulder off of him. 

"I can't love you, you're evil, you hurt me, and you're to obsessive, I need space every now and then". Bill rushed forward to meet Dipper in his face, "Yes I'm evil, yes I'm obsessive, but I would never hurt you on purpose, Dipper,it's in my blood to hurt people, I'm a demon". Dipper pushed past Bill again, walking farther and farther from his Ex-demon. 

"Dipper, you're my everything, I never want to see another face by my side ever again. I want to hold you close to the end of time, please Dipper, I'd never hurt you on purpose please, I love you". Dipper blushed, his eyes falling down to the floor. "So what do you say Dipper, are you ready for me to love you". Dipper fell to the ground, his hands wringing around his shirt. 

"I-I don't know Bill, I-I do, love you, b-but, it's's just I can't". 

"I'll take that as a yes, now I was thinking, our next target in this pitiful town should be that Candy girl, you know, the other girl that lusted after you, used to have glasses before she decided they weren't "sexy" enough". Dipper screamed and pushed of Bill, pulling away from his grip, "I-I can't believe you, hah, I actually thought you were going to change for me". Dipper was given a confused look, "I mean, you say all these things about loving me, b-but, you're using me, you're just using me for a whore you can fuck at every whim". Bill shook his head, a large smile on his face, "Pfft, do you really believe that"? Dipper nodded, "I don't think I would have asked that if I didn't believe it". 

"Come on Pinetree, I do love you, I wouldn't trade time with you for anything in the world". The brunette laughed, "I know, I know, I love you with every bone in my body, that kind of lovey-dovey crap, but I don't know you Bill, how can I tell if you're telling the truth"? Bill gaped at him, cracking at his knuckles eagerly, "B-but, I do, I do love you, I would never hurt you, p-please Angel, please". Dipper laughed harder, tears running down his face, "I love how now that I've found out the truth you're getting more and more frantic, you want to keep your little slut, don't you"? Bill reached out to Dipper, "N-no, I swear it please, don't you dare leave me". 

Fire sprouted from the palms of the demon, bending and twisting around his fingers. "I swear to on it My Star Speckle, please, please don't leave me". Dipper blew some hair out of his face, itching at his neck, "I'm sorry Bill, I want a break, I-I, I think we should break up, maybe, I don't, maybe if you, you know". Dipper groaned and turned away from the demon pulling his arms close to his chest, curled up on himself, "I just think I need some time to, to think". Bill fell to the floor, dust swirling around his suit, "Th-think"? 

Dipper smiled sweetly, a small hammering in Bill's heart started, oh that smile would make him kill. 

"Yeah, I-I'm sure you get it, I think us being this close to each other when we're this mad, it just clouds our judgement. I mean, if you were still the Bill Rephic I knew a couple weeks ago, then, yeah, I'd say yes in a heart beat. But you're, you". Bill screamed, the cement cracking,  smashing, crumbling. All of it gone in a second, turning every head in the court yard, a bubble went up as the demon screamed louder.

"I'm me, aren't, a fucking demon, guardian of torture and sin, I just, you're right, I'm never going to get an angel like you, It's so funny, really it is, I thought, heh, I thought if I could slaughter someone right here and right now, I wonder which one could be the one that make my Pinetree fall back into my arms again, makes him look at me without fear, but just with joy, all the joy in the world". Dipper smiled, "I really just want a normal life with you Cipher". Bill winced at the name, "And I with you, please Dipper". 

"I want to be with you tonight, really, I do". 

Bill pulled himself closer to Dipper, "Give me one last chance, please, I promise, I'm going to try, I'm going to make this work". Dipper nodded before holding out his hand for Bill to take,

"Then, I guess I can't say no to this, not when you're trying, can I"? Bill smiled coldly, "No, you can't, can you". He took the hand before snapping his fingers. Watching as the reality shifted around them bringing them back to their house, their house, "C-can, can I hold you Dipper, please"? He nodded falling into comfort as the demon took him into his arms.

"I'm going to be seventeen for as long as I can be Bill, you've made me feel, like my age for once in my life, you're the one I'm going to choose, so please, just let me be seventeen while I still can be".

"Make stupid decisions and get drunk, see movies", 

"Only if you come with". 


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