Chapter Sixteen

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"Grenda, I not I'm probably out of your league, but might I give you mine phone number"? 

"I don't have a phone number, right it on my face". 

A tear dropped on the photo, smudging the few, fracturing it into peices. 

"You're so bold, so daring", 

"I don't understand how any own could hate you", 

"If anyone every says that to her again, I will personally see to it that you never see the light of day ever again". 

Her mind was whispering hate as she held the photo close to her chest taking a deep breath before stepping on the ledge, her legs shaking with fear. 

"Grenda, I-I, I can't do this, they're, they're telling me that you're not good enough for me, that you're to ugly. I don't know what to say to them, I don't know what to think". 

"Just say you love me, that's what you've said to the haters all their life".

"b-but, I do love you, I-I'm sorry, but, but, sometimes, sometimes, these things need to what do you Americans say, I-I think we need time". 


I'm sorry it went this way-ay-ay

I'm sorry you didn't get to see me this way, way, way 

Because our love was toxic love, 

A toxic love, it couldn't have stayed this way, way, way 

You laughed as I asked you to stay-ay-ay

you left me when I tried to stay, stay, stay 

because our love was toxic love

a toxic love, and I'm sorry you didn't have the balls to stay, stay, stay. 

I'm sorry you left me this way.


Her feet slipped, she smiled as the wind rushed through her hair. All of it felt so, good.

'Grenda, if he really left you for a reason like that then he doesn't matter shit'. 

"W-wait", she opened her eyes as she screamed, her head pounding before she hit the water. The sting screaming in her head, in her skin, in her body. 

All she could do was scream, all she could do was choke. All she could do was regret every single moment of her life as it flashe before her eyes. 

'And I'm sorry you didn't have the balls to stay, stay, stay.

Again, Credit goes to Heathers for their amazing songs. If any of you guys are wondering, the poem/song in the middle was written by me, so no copywrite or anything to worry about like that. Credit to the creators of Gravity Falls for their amazing characters. And thank you to the readers who make me less bored in my extra time. 

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