Chapter nine

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   Special about out to z0mbies This writer scared the crap out of me. Not a feet many can boast, lots of love from my beta Woah_Thats_Edgy_Pal all these views mean so much to me. Without further ado Blue...

"I wish Pacifica could see all of us rallying together to honor her and keep the memory alive", Candy teared up, her mascara, neatly placed to look runny. "I'm sure she'd love all of the admiration and inspiration ". Mabel stood off to the side, her face composed and pale. Dipper couldn't help but smirk at her pained face, He had taken away her everything from her, just like she had taken away everything from him. 

"Thank you Miss. Chui, I can imagine how hard it must be for you and Mabel to have lost such a close friend", Candy smiled sweetly, nodding. Mabel just stared at the ground lost. 

The Tv clicked off and Dipper looked up at his boyfriend, annoyance clear in his face,

"Wha-, come on Bill, I was watching that"!

"You can watch it later, I've got a surprise for you", Dipper perked up at he mention of the surprise, "now I know I relationship has mainly comprised of fucking, snuggling and killing". Dipper choked at the bluntness of the sentence,

"we haven't killed anyone, it was an accident". Bill frowned and muttered something before looking up again with a new boost of zest,

"Point is, I think we should go on a date, just the two of us, it'll be nice, we can talk. I'll get to know you". Dipper smiled and jumped up, "I-I'd,  I would-". 

Dipper's looked around at the tangle of groggy visions danced around, his head throbbed, the ground seemed to spin. 

"Uh, I'd like that, I really would Bill, but I'm just, just give me a moment, please". Dipper began to take deep breaths his eyes feeling heavy and stinging, something was wrong. 

'oh what's wrong Dippy, can't handle the heat' ? Bubble foaming on her red, red lips. 

Dipper couldn't look at anywhere other than her lips, the rest was just to horrible for him to look at directly. Skin, pale, turning green if you looked at it directly, flies buzzed around her glazed eyes that were covered with dark black eye lashes.

'I thought you could handle some gore, I mean you watched me die, bleed out on the fucking carpet like some- some rat". Blood flicked onto Dippers cheek releasing a sequel from the brunette. 

"&$))*~'':{}{&**^%$#%%", gurgles were heard through some where but Dipper couldn't pull his view from the corpse. Which was now pulling out a mirror, her skin sliding down, melting almost. 

"You kept ignoring me, I let you off the hook because you were with your little boy toy, like the slut you are". Dipper covered his ears   

"No stop, I'm sorry it was an accident, I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway, Bill and I meant you no harm, please". Someone shook Dipper's shoulder, he couldn't see anything though, 

"$%^&*(*&^", Dipper curled up kicking at Pacifica who was smirking, "that Bill claims to love you doesn't he, but I think that he just keeps you around for a good fuck, he'll leave you the moment the novelty of you has worn off, you gave up your virginity for this boy, but do you know how many men will leave the moment their virgin becomes tainted". Dipper screamed ripping a Pacifica, tearing at her skin which came off in clumps, collecting and pooling around the boys hand. Dipper gawked, he had ripped her skin off, it came off in her hand like paper ;and it had been so, so satisfying. 

"Dipper, dipper, are you okay", Pacifica trembled, her gushing raw veins staining the surrounding area. "Dipper answer me, come on". The blonde kind of blew out, Dipper didn't know how to describe it but all he knew was that he was left on the floor, Pacifica just a dried out husk next to him. The skin still dripping on his hand, the smell seemed to be unnaturally sweet, he briefly considered tasting a bit.

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