Chapter thirteen

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"Everyone of us lives behind a veil, a cover or shadow that blocks the view of our deepest anxieties, fears or flaws. I can see it in the eyes of all of you, freaks, scars, infections. That what you call yourselves. You don't see it, but I do, I want to hear it, please". Wendy stepped off the podium, moss green eyes gazing over the mess of kids. Smiling particularly on Dipper, 

"Who wants to go first"? 

Bills grip on Dipper tightened, "No one, okay, how about I go first". Dipper sighed softly at her milky tone, it was always relaxing to him, he still was holding back though, Wendy's life depended on him being done with her.

"My names Wendy Corduroy, I live alone, I am nineteen years old and according to the school board, a genius in the ways of the mind". Bill growled, pulling Dipper closer to his body, "as if bitch, I'm the master of the mind and I know she doesn't even know the basics". Dipper coughed into his hands, elbowing Bill in the stomach, "Watch it, we're still friends and you're already on thin ice". 

"After the events of the never mind all that act, I went to therapy, I thought that maybe I could use a break. I was experiencing intense anxiety, bouts of paranoia, even brief pauses of aggression". The therapist suggested I take a break from things intense and angry maybe take some time with the family". Wendy laughed, "Little did she know, spending time with my family, is like the never mind all that events all over again". There was a few cold laughs here and there, followed by sniffles and sneezes. 

"So, I asked her for tips other then my family, she gave me a book, a book on psychology, I thought what the heck, why not, Dipper seems to like studying so why not I"?

"Nerd"! Bill's eyes flashed red and his hold on Dipper grew tense, "I heard that, detention three days in a row". Wendy's eyes flashed with anger, as the mutters turned from nerd to teachers pet. "As I was saying, I read the book, and liked it, turned out the more I read, the more I understood. I could see it, the anger behind the eyes, the lie in a twitching eyebrow, all of it". Wendy sat down on her chair taking a deep breath, "I'm stressed". 

"I have trouble falling to sleep at night, there is so much regret in my memories, lies that I could never bring my self to say". Her feet shuffled back and forth, toeing at the linoleum, "I fell in love with a hero, only to find out he was taken". Her eyes landed on Dipper watching the way his boyfriend tensed around him. "I studied so hard, got so caught up, I was left behind by my boyfriend, friends and family". Her strong voice wavered, the pantsuit she was wearing began to crinkle up as her bun began to come undone, strands falling out. 

"I seem so strong to my friends, I faked a smile in front of everything else, my paranoia grew the better of me, I built traps, I tried so hard to protect the ones I loved, not even realizing I myself was getting worse". She itched her arms looking toward the brunette in the crowd, "I even resorted to something I watched my hero do, leaving broken panes on my skin". Bill tensed looking down at his boyfriend, hissing, "Dipper what is she talking about". Dipper sighed stepping up, pulling up his sleeves as he walked to the podium. "I haven't gotten better still", Wendy whispered, her voice strained and hoarse. 

"Me neither", he placed his arms on the podium, a smile twitching on his lips as he cringed, "I am damaged". 


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