Chapter Twenty-one

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I bent over the rubble, sorting through it all, I wasn't going to look hard. I didn't want to actually see his body. I could never get through it if I did, all I knew was that he had given his life for me, because he did love me. I slammed the palms of my hands on my forehead, yanking at my hair, "Idiot, he loved you, and you loved him, and you didn't tell him that". I screamed kicking at a rock. Only to immediately regret it and let out a scream of pain after the event. 

"What the fuck happened", 

"Dipper are you alright", 

"Oh did the freak 'cause this"? Candy stepped forward, a sign saying, "Cuts are cute", resting slightly on her shoulder. 

"I-I didn't actually, but I wanted to say, we could have prevented this". I stepped forward sliding the red scrunchie off of Candy's hair, before lighting a match and burning it. 

"Wha-, hey", Wendy snicker in the back ground while Mabel and Grenda gave me the thumbs up. 

"No more guys, I want to say no more". I climbed on top of a rock grabbing Candy's sign and breaking it in half. "Your body is your own, so treat as you see fit, but touching another person, hurting another person, you can't keep telling yourselves that taking a beating is pretty, that getting rapped is "Lit". I don't believe it and neither should you". I snapped the poster in half watching as Candy's face grew hot with anger. 

"Candy, Mabel, Grenda, would you give me the honor of sleeping over at my house for the night, I'll make flower crowns and insta-corn. We can rent the Princess Bride. Grenda melted, pulling Mabel down to her wheel chair for a hug, patting Waddles on the head as he walked by. Candy grumbled before taking out her phone and going to call her mom. "Let's be seventeen for as long as we can guys". I looked at the rubble, tears streaming down my face and my voice began to waiver, "Because a few of us won't live past it". 


"He was a bad guy, come on, you could tell that guy was a demon like an hour ago", Candy tossed pop-corn at the screen as Mabel stuck her tongue at. "Yeah lame, some plot twist, you'd have to be an idiot not to see if your boyfriend was some evil, power hungry, demon". The rest of the girl nodded before heading into the kitchen to pop the rest of the pop-corn. Leaving Dipper, frozen at the screen, "Hey Dip-dop, you coming"? Dipper nodded his eyes red with tears still, "Come on Dipper, the movie wasn't that sad was it"? 

Dipper shook his head nestling his head in her shoulder, breathing in the smell of her pineapple shampoo. "Nothing is sad at all, I just, I missed this"? Mabel nodded skipping off to the kitchen, "I did too freak~". Dipper sighed, smiling, slowly though he followed his twin into the kitchen. Silent tears leaving his eyes. "Please Bill, you're the one I choose".           

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