Chapter four

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I sat in a chair as Mabel and Candy fussed at my outfit.
"Dipped stop fussing around out just grow up, you're already gay so why not dress gay". I started to squirm but Mabel yanked my head forward to look at her, "tell me what you think". I groaned as I looked into the mirror,

"Mabel I look like a slut", my face was done nicely just a bit of bronzer and lip gloss making my face look feminine. My outfit was comprised of a crop top sweatshirt that was as tight as a vice, the pants were form fitting showing of my sides making them curvy, in all honesty, I felt like crying. "well isn't that a good thing, all gays are sluts". I choked back a sob, "maybe tonight you just might find yourself being Bi? Wouldn't that be nice, find a girl and relax with them". I tried to push up but a condom was pushed into my face, " just don't get anyone pregnant little bro".

I squealed and dropped the condom, yuck-yuck-yuck, nope, I didn't just hold that, yuck, yuck. Mabel rolled her eyes and pulled me up, my stomach was showing partially and eyeliner has been applied to a winged effect, I truly did look like a slut. Pacifica walked in the room and have me a once over.
"Great job girls pile him in the car, also we need to bring extra snacks, Dipper can get them on the way". I tried to sputter out an objection as Mabel pushed me into the car.
"Dipper don't embarrass me", I gulped and nodded growing red at the thought of the videos she could send to the entire school. Probably best do just roll with their punches, I looked at my feet, "I'm sorry". Mabel just shoved me away and walked out, "you should be".

My little pet stared out the window, Demon he looked good, all I wanted to do was tear those clothes off. Dipped sighed in boredom and longing, I decided to help him out, as all the sluts talk in the back ground I whisper good memories into his ear. A vision of them defeating me, pictures of Mabel with smile dip, even the year Mabel opened all the cages in the zoo. Dipped have the smallest smile and turned away from the window, I felt the little flip inside of me again. I punched my stomach in anguish, 'cut it out down there'. I looked up again to see Pinetree jumping out of the car looking fearfully at Mable who was releasing a string of cuss words. Now's my chance.

One finger snap later I'm standing in a gas station. Pinetree walked in and his milky doe eyes land on me. Oh how I want to rip them out and place them in little boxes. I want to sew little buttons in and make him dance for me as my puppet. But I can't because they look so much better full of his raw emotions.
"Bill, what are you doing here", I freeze and my eyes dart for an excuse to be here, he was so distracting though, his shoulder hung out from his shirt and my body rushed with heat. The lady behind me had a slurpee and I panicked.
"Oh just getting a slurpee", I grab the drink from the lady, grinning proudly at my pet,
" See".

"Did you just steal tha-", I pulled Pinetree over to the chip aisle and put on a sad face, I tried my best to ignore his tantalizingly clear skin, oh I wanted to mark it, scar it, bite it. Just make him mine, Ford would pay for it and Dipper would suffer. "What was that Bill, hey are you okay". I looked in his direction tears blurring my vision, "sorry I", I wipe away the tears and dramatically sniff." I come hear because the slurpees remind me of my past". Pinetree stoked my hand cooing in my ear, "it's alright, are you okay, do you want me to pay for your drink". I wiped away newer tears, "no it's just, can you just imagine, just for a second Pines, that your whole life gets washed down the drain, everything you've worked for plunged down the gutter by one mistake. Family leaves you and friends turn their backs, can you imagine getting tossed into a pit and only being given scraps, the worst relationships, the worst friends and the worst family, but you still love it all because you know that letting go can never be an option, you can't lose anymore"?

My pet nodded,
" yeah, I can kind of imagine that". I nodded swishing the bits of ice around looking nervously at my feet, a string of awkward silence went on and I coughed in my shoulder as Pinetree fiddled with his hood's string.
"Sometimes I find it best to just freeze the brain", I looked up at Pinetree, my hair dusting my right eye,"What was that Pines"? Dipped smiled at me sweetly, "Sometimes it's best to just forget everything and just, freeze your brain". A small smile grew on my face as my pet's blush grew darker, "yeah, your right, maybe I should just freeze my brain, I mean pain is hilarious and a brain freeze is way better than cocaine".

Pinetree flinched and began to walk away, "uh-I, I, I think I should go", he grabbed a bag of chips and some booze and began to leave. "Hey Pines", I held his shoulder and smirked at him, "loosen up, it was just something I found on the internet, I promise I won't say it again, just for you cutie". Pinetree squealed and the strange warm feeling worked into my gut, I plan to stab it later. My beautiful, gullible, cutie dropped everything and hugged me, "Thank you, someone hurt me as a kid and said that to me, I have nightmares of him still". I stroked Dippers hair and kissed the top of it, "no one is going to touch you now, just forget all the voices in your head, and don't open a vain. Come on Dipper", he looked up at me, "how 'bout together we freeze our brain". As a horny teenager some of Dippers thoughts hauled themselves into the gutter, but a few snatches of them showed pictures of us cuddling by a fire or watching terrible movies together while throwing popcorn at the TV.

I would have nuzzled deeper but a arm grabbed me away and pulled Dipper to the exit.
"You little slut", Dipped shook with fear and Mabel bent down to whisper in his ear,'you mess with what's mine and I show the entire school those videos of you singing to disco girl and masturbating to picture of male models'. Pinetree paled and I had to fist my mouth in order to stop the bubbles of laughter fizzing in my head.
" come on Mabel, I was being young and stupid, please stop". My gut twisted again and I pulled him away, hey Goldie, you make me sick of the color yellow and I love yellow, look at what you did". Mabel's face dropped to that of interest and lust, her thoughts pounded with fear and regret though, 'why did you say that to him, who's the cutie, oh Dippy's got a boyfreind, say your sorry, Pacifica would kill you just stick to Robbie, Robbie tried to rape you '. "Fine then" , she waved me off and pulled Pinetree away, the tug persisted but I needed My Pet to run to me for this to work. I grabbed Pinetree's arm and held out my hand.

"Give me your phone", Dipped nodded and I typed in my number, "I left a special surprise for you cutie, look at it when I leave". Pinetree nodded and I turned on my heels to the front of the store. Mabel smirked and smacked my ass, "I'll have fun with you later",
" the only fun I'll be having is with Dipper", Mabel hacked and Dipped almost chocked and dropped his phone, he had read what the contact name was. As soon as I was out of sight I burst out laughing, this is great.

Dipped pic
Dipper clenched his heart breathing fast, he's never had a like him back before, just, when every guy thinks your a girl and then accidentally flirts with you your going to get flustered. Also male models are hot.

This was different though, Dippers dreamed of relationships, watched gay porn, even talk to Stan about it. Dipper's gay and this guy is to, simple as that. What Dipper was stressing about was how the hell would this thing go how far was he willing to push, he looked at his screen and felt his stomach drop.

Hey darling look forward to seeing you.
Dipped swallowed, and turned off his phone he just wanted life to end. Would this Rephic still be proud if I held his hand and kissed his lips.

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