Chapter six

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Grenda paced back and forth in her silly dress, it was pink with a unicorn on it and the bottom mesh had glitter on it. Grenda took a shaky breath and prepared.
"Grenda", I turned, I blushed, Baron ran toward me with his hand out and waving. His Austrian accent whispered in my ear.
" I dit not knowing you came". I stopped,
"But you invited me right"? Pacifica popped out, her the carrying something, liquid splashed onto my head and a foul, sour smell pours from my body, I fell down coughing. a
"M-mabel, Candy", yellow and green pop up and Candy pushed Pacifica aside, "that's what you get, you know, for being a usless fat baby". Pacifica growled at Candy, "shut up Candy",
" Sorry, Paci". Pacifica smiled a Cheshire grin and whispers filled the air, she leans in and whispers
"Vinegar, for a filthy pig like you", I looked up towards Mabel looking for a sign of her sugary personality, "Mabel"? My voice was barely a whisper but for a flash her scowling, unimpressed face changed to something warm and fuzzy, like her sweater. But than it froze, ice from her heart rushed back up to her, freezing the little trace of Mabel I know left. I pull away, tears start to pour. I need Dipper. Screams of laughter echo through the neighborhood but all I here is Baron's, light, fluttery and lethal to my heart.

The air chilled my lungs as I ran down the street. The neighborhood was extremely fancy and I was starting to worry he was pranking me. Mansions were starting to appear and my hope was fading. The address led me to a tall two story house. Black with gold trimming and an architecture style that was intricate and Dipper stared at it for ages.

The front door opened and a man with grey hair strutted out to the nearby car, his strides were long and proud. Dipped felt like he was fading away, that guy wasn't Bill which means that Bill wasn't there.

He was turning to leave when he heard screams a maid rushed out her face ashen with fear.

"I don't ever want to see you here again". Bill rushed out, waving a cane above his head, the maid fell to her knees and started sobbing,

" I'm sorry, it was just a little trinket, I'm sorry". Bill snorted and held out his hand, "I want it back", the woman shook with terror but slowly reached in her pocket. A small glass pine tree appeared in her hand and Bill grinned widely, I flinched, it was too wide. "If I may ask, what is it". Bill rolled his eyes, this my formerly employed friend is a diamond carved pine tree, it's for a friend of mine, it's probably worth more than your worthless life". He kicked the woman and she ran, mumbling and sobbing, Bill shook himself off and walked into the house, I followed his path up a story where he sat down on a bed. I sighed and walked to the base of his house, his butler probably wouldn't believe me if I told him I was his friend.

it wasn't that long of a climb anyway. The trunk was spindly and green, crawling up to the top of the house where Bill was, my plan should be full proof. the worst thing that could happen is maybe, you know, falling to my death, accused of thievery or assault, prosecution for trespassing at the very least. But than Bill looked out the window, his eyes shinning with happiness. Maybe I should just leave, I turned around to leave when the window opened,
"get your ass in here, I don't have all night". My back popped out and I cringed, screeching through clenched teeth.I turned around in fear looking up at the window, 'pleasedon'tbemepleasedon'tbeme ', "Pines get your ass up here". I sighed and in my head I was already making up an excuse as to why I was there.I

My feet slipped as I climbed up the trees branch, I was sweating like crazy and my whole face felt itchy. I am so, so screwed.

Bill came to level with me and I blushed at how close our faces were.
"Kid why are you so nervous, I invited you here didn't I though you could have just come in through the door, my slave- I mean servants have been made aware of your significance to me". My face grew dark red with embarrassment, how did he know I was nervous, can he tell I think he's hot, Oh god why do I have to blush, wait did he say I was significant? My eyes darted back and forth across the floor as I breathed quickly, he's going to make fun of me for being gay.

I smacked into an arm and a low, lustful chuckle came from Bill.
"Did you hear what I said, or is there just hot air in there". I shook my head vigorously, I was rewarded with another chuckle. "I said if you I want, if things are stressful at home you could always, sleep over with me". At this point my I was heated up like crazy, "uh, I really don't think-". Soft lips smashed on mine and my gut pushed down onto the floor, words left me and my knees gave way.

I fell to the floor which sent Bill into peels of laughter.
" Your first kid",
"No, Pacifica took my first". I could've sworn his eyes went red. My legs were scooped up and I was thrown into Bill's bed. More kissed were thrown into my face and neck, "we're going to break the bed darling". He bit my ear and whispered nothing's in my ear, just mumbles snatched of plans for tonight.
" Bill I really should-aggh". He clawed at my side pressing me down to the mattress, "you came here, you stay here, forgot school, tonight it's me and you, your staying up all night chug that mountain dew".

I blushed as my shirt was lifted over my head,
" Bill I swear to god", lips press against mine and I shut up, that didn't seem to be the response he wanted because he pressed harder. I didn't understand till a feeling of weightlessness dropped into my stomach. I moaned. Bill seemed satisfied, but then again, he's never satisfied. I looked out and let him take his way.

Blood spilled out my mouth and my clothes had been ripped to shreds, Dipped had left me. We were supposed to be mystery twins but after Grenda left Robbie ganged up on me, his goon Gideon too. Beaten, rapped and left for dead. I steadily got up, shrieking from each pain that shit through me like a bullet.

Pacifica had left drunk, Candy watched as I screamed for help. Everyone watched while I screamed for help. Eventually I have up, going along making the noises they wanted me to make, after all, that's the only thing a pretty girl can do.

I can't sleep, my stomach was screaming as Dipped lay in front of me, he wasn't wearing a thing and I felt like going another round, that or squeezing him until the air pops out of him like a balloon(pretty sure that's not how humans works Bill). Dipped short breathes came out like puffs of cuteness and I wanted to another him with the world. I sighed and got up, my stomach really needed to be punished, I decided to stab it later.

Dipped tossed and turned himself; on the bed, he whimpered flew up. His eyelids broke open and his face turned ashen.
"I need to apologize"!

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