Chapter seventeen

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"So Candy, looks like you've been left with no one to depend on, no friends what so ever". Candy glared over her shoulder wiping away the tears from her eyes. No one was going to see like this, 

"Fuck off fag, I don't want to talk to you". 

"You know, speaking of friends, Dipper was just showing me pictures of his child hood, and....well I hapened to get a few photos from Mabel's dumb scap book, I think, oh wow, look at this. It shows a picture of you glued to a wall, with some tacky glasses might I add, and Grenda covered in kiss marks. Gee, that is not attractive".

She growled, her hands, bending into claws as she swipped to grab at what she assumed the pictures were. 

"Give me those loser, Grenda's dead any how, no one will care if you leak those". 

"Oh contraire sweet heart, I just wanted you to know, that they'd stil lauigh at you anyways". Candy screamed running over to Bill before swiping a fist at his face. "Come on Chui, let's not get frisky, I'm not going to ask you much". 

Candy slumped down to the floor trying to catch her breath, letting the tears run down her face, 

"I've had everything take from me except for my status, please, I'll do anything". Bll hummed magicing a pen into existence, "That's what I like to hear, sign this". A clip board was shoved in the girls face as Bill began to examine his nails, his face bleeding with a mocking smirk. "W-what is it". 

"That my friend, is a petition to make a school holiday in honor of the fallen students who gave their life for my pine--b-because of the hate our world spreads. 

"You're weird, you know that right", Bill chuckled as she took the board into her hands, signing the signature neatly. 

"Thank you, no ones going to know anything, they'll all be too dead----dead, dead, dead inside to notice". Candy scoffed pulling herself up before straightening her skirt. 

"Fag-hag, freak". Bill's eyes turned bright red as she walked off, a smirk growing on his face. "Bitchy Bimbo". He turned on his heels before snapping himself infront of the mystery shack. "Now, time to ruin a family". 


"So I said to her, honey, I can't hear my own thoughts of your simpering, I don't care if you want to keep your boyfriend, he threw himself at my feet. It's not my fault I just didn't step over him". Dipper coughed into his shoulder as Mabel stuck her tongue out at the ghost. 

"Come on Paz, can we not talk about the relationships you were included in, when we were, you know, not together". Dipper nodded fixing his backpack strap as Candy flounced up, her skirt swirling along the top of her thigh. 

"Hey look, it's freak and fag, the loser twins, guess what I've got news for you". She opened a mirror dabbing her lips, 

"Fat ass just dropped off her ass". Mabel choaked on her lolly pop while Dipper stared at her mouth agape. Candy smiled sweetly while lighting a blunt, motioning to Mabel eyes filled with question. 

"Yes please". She took it before holding it in her lips, a long drag making her mind go lazed. 


"What, I can't just go cold turkey, I've gone to one a day". Dipper smiled, patting her back, "You've been taking your patches right"? Mabel nodded while Pacifica rubbed circles in her back. The girl in green frowned before throwing the blunt on to the ground, grinding it out with her heel. "Obviously just another loser thinking that they can copy the cool kids, I mean being deppressed is so lit right now(did I use that right guys?), cutting yourself,", Candy pulled up her sleeves to reveal small scratches to large red gapes, "Is chill as fuck". 

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