Chapter One - Finally Gone

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There's something about staring up at a dark ceiling at twelve in the morning that is very creepy.Even though it was my decision,it still scared me.
There are two types of people in this world.Ones that constantly make mistakes,and others that bully the people that make mistakes.I'm one of the people that make mistakes.
I'm Eliza Adams.I've been in an adoption centre for 16 years of my life.Adopters have come and left,deciding against me.Ones that took me home returned me two days later.It was a vicious cycle.
"Get up!" Holly,the adoption centre lady demanded. "A man is here to see you!"
I groan and got up. "Change into something nice!" she yelled,walking down the steps.
I change into a creeper (from MineCraft) tank top and dark blue denim shorts.I put on my black converse and walk down the stairs.
When I got there,I couldn't believe my eyes.Joey Graceffa was there.I fan girled in my head,but kept it cool.I walked over to him and he shook my hand.
"Hi Eliza," he says,grinning at me. "Can we do an interview?"
"S-sure," I sheepishly stutter. Hey,he's one of my favorite YouTubers,don't judge me.
We go into the interview room and I sit down across from him.A YouTuber was considering to adopt me?What is this?!
"What are your interests?" he asks.
"I like YouTube,video games,singing," I state. "I even have my own YouTube channel."
"Really?" he asks stunned.
"Yeah!" I exclaim excitedly. "I really like your videos,by the way."
"Well thank ya," he says. "What's your YouTuber name?"
"It's TheOnlyEliza," I say.
He smiles at me.That was a good sign.That means he likes me.I might finally get away from here and live with a YouTuber. "Nice," he comments. We end our interview there and all the girls he interview stand in a line in the lobby of the place.
"Have you chosen your daughter,Mr.Graceffa?" Holly asks.God,I hope he picks me.I could see Eve,Lizzie,and Amelia prepping,as if Joey was going to take them home.Please,they're stuck up snobs.
"Yes I have," he says. "I want to take Eliza home."
My ears ring.Did he just say he wants to take me home?Holly sends me to gather my things which I do quickly.When I walk downstairs,I hug Joey.
"Thank you," I whisper. "For saving me."

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