Chapter Ten - Don't Lie To Bacca

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I walk into our apartment room,not paying any mind to Matt or Joshua.I lay down in bed and start texting Jerome.

'Sorry bout dem.its impossibru to b wit dem -Ell'

'Its fien.R u okai tho? -Bacca'

I sigh and blink back tears.My fingers slowly hover over the keyboard,trying to figure out how to reply.I could either lie and say I'm fine,or tell him the truth that I'm not.

'Im fien -Ell'

'Doan lie to Bacca -Bacca'

'Jus not rite now,okai?Im stressed and its jus not mai dai -Ell'

'Alrite.get sum sleep.the shows doan start for bout a hr -Bacca'

'K -Ell'

I shut off my phone and roll onto my side.I put my phone on the side table and close my eyes.I let myself drift off into a good sleep for an hour.


"Eliza!Get up!" Joshua yells. "You need to get ready.We have to leave soon."

"Okay,okay!" I exclaim. I climb out of bed and make my way to the bathroom.I clean off the smudged makeup and redo it.I brush out my hair and make it into a ponytail.I looked fine now.

"Let's goo," Joshua rushes.

"I'm coming!" I yell. "Don't get your panties in a wad!"

I grab my phone off the side table and head out the door with Matt and Joshua.As we walk to Vidcon,I never-endlessly get asked,"Are you and Sohinki dating?"

When we finally get to the booths,I look at Matt. "Do we tell 'em we're dating?" I ask him.

"Eh,lets give it a day and see how it stands," Matt says.I nod a tall man in a suit walks over to us.

"Eliza,you are needed on stage right now.Let's go,"The man says.

I wave goodbye to the guys and make my way towards the stage.

"Do you remember what you're doing?" he asks.I give him a slight nod and he walks off.

Okay,comedy sketches,covers,then answer questions.That runs through my head as I hear Rhett and Link call my name.I walk out on stage and smile as the crowd cheers.

"Hey everybody!" I exclaim. "So,I just left my room,and my roommates are Sohinki and Jovenshire from Smosh."

Everyone 'oohs'. "Don't get any ideas!" I exclaim,laughing. "Well before that I,uh,was playing MineCraft with my friends,the Team Crafted gang and Joven bursts into the room and gets me killed.Thanks a lot Joven!"

Everyone cracks up laughing.This is a good sign.That means they like it.

"So I was on my plane at like six A.M,right?And I get it's six,everybody's tired.But this woman has a baby and the baby is just crying.Literally.The whole plane could hear.And how does the woman respond?By putting in earplugs and an eye mask and going to sleep.So we had a crying baby on a plane for about three hours."

Most people by now are just dying of laughter.Link walks out with my guitar and smiles at me as he hands it to me. "Okay guys,now I'm going to sing a song that's been relating to me for a little while now."I take a deep breath and start.

You know I'm not one to break promises

I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe

At the end of it all, you're still my best friend

But there's something inside that I need to release

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