Chapter Twenty Three - Travelling To London

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****Time skip because author is lazy****************************

As I sat on the plane,I looked out the window.The world seemed so small from the plane.This was it.I'm going to stay with Dan Howell and Phil Lester,two Youtubers whom I have been fans of ever since I found them.The first video I watched of Phil's was his 'one week relationship' and Dan's was 'Cringe attack'.I found it weird how they were so relatable.

As the plane landed,I put in my earbuds and turn on my iPod.I listen to Greenday as I grab my bag and wait for Dan and Phil. When I see them I wave at them and they make their way over to me.I turn off my iPod.

Dad greets me by giving me a hug.Phil gives me a hug as well.Wow they are super friendly. "Hey guys," I greet,smiling.

"Hey Eliza," Dan smiles. "We're so excited that your staying with us.It's going to be so much fun."

We start walking towards their place.I look at the scenery.It was beautiful,I have to say.

"By the way,Tyler Oakley is going to be over tomorrow morning for a video," Phil informs me.

"Oh my gosh,The Queen himself?" I giggle.

"Yep," Dan chuckles.

When we get to their apartment,I marvel at how it looks.It was very classy,I must say.I loved it.Dan and Phil took a seat on the couch,motioning for me to sit between them.

"Sorry for being nosey," Dan apologizes already. "But why did all those people post such mean things?"

"You saw the live stream," I choke out. He nods.

"It's so upsetting when you see your fan base attack another YouTuber because of something that happened," Phil says. I nod.

"It kinda hurt badly,considering Jerome just broke up with me and they were giving me a hard time," I admit. "I mean,I would've liked to stay with him.But I guess he just didn't want a long distance relationship."

"Well we're gonna make you feel better!" Dan exclaims,he grabs his camera and starts filming. "Hey guys," he introduces,pointing the camera at himself. "Guess who we have today and for the rest of this week?" He turns the camera around to face me. "It's Elizaa!!!"

"Hey guys!" I wave.

"So a lot of you apparently 'Danosaurs' have been hating on her lately.But she is a perfectly wonderfully awesome person,okay?" he says. "We are here to help her have a good time.Soo,to the kitchen!!"

Phil takes the camera and follows Dan to the kitchen.I follow too,laughing at how silly this is. "We are going to be making ice cream sundaes."

"Yaay," I cheer,causing Dan to laugh.He gets out the ingredients and we get to work. "This is so intense!" I giggle. I take the whip cream can to add my final touch.

"Could I have the whip cream please?" Dan asks.

"Sure!" I reply.I spray whip cream all over him,causing Phil to laugh hysterically.

He points the camera at him and says,"Let the wars,begin."

He points it back to us as Dan holds the chocolate syrup,pointing it at me. "Are you gonna hand over the whip cream?" he asks.

"NEVER!" I shout,spraying him with it again.He shoots the chocolate syrup at me,covering my shirt in it. "Daaaan," I whine. "It's stickyy."

"That's what she said!" Phil exclaims,earning a dirty look from me.

"You should've thought about that before you sprayed me in whip cream," he warns.I hand him the whip cream can and go to clean off my shirt.

After I while it wasn't sticky anymore,so I go out.I grab my sundae and eat,looking intently at the camera pointed at me.When I lick my lips of whip cream,I couldn't hold back a laugh.

"Thank you guys for watching!" Dan smiles into the camera,a whip cream mustache on his face. "If you enjoyed be sure to subscribe to see more videos.Also,subscribe to Eliza's channel.She is amazing.Link is in the description."

"And goodbye!" I interrupt,getting in front of his face.He chuckles and sits me on his lap.Phil stops recording.

Man,being with these guys is going to be fun.

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