Chapter Twenty Eight - Goodbye

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*********Time skip:1 yr**********

😁Sorry about the time skips😁

I look up at my dark ceiling.I remember those days like I was still there.Being with Dan and Phil.

Like they promised we Skyped constantly.We always had big ideas to have the other come to their home place but they never happened.

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Come in," I call softly.The door opens and I see a dark figure standing there,highlighted by the hallway light. I shot up as soon as I recognized the person.


I run over and hug him tightly.

"What's up buttercup?" he asks playfully.

"I missed your hugs," I mumble into his shirt.

He pulled away and looked down at me.I kiss him passionately and he kisses back.We kiss for a couple minutes until I pull away.

"I wanted to ask you something very important," he says finally.

"What is it?" I question.

"Eliza Danielle Graceffa,would you move in with me?" he asks.

"Daniel James Howell,of course," I reply.He hugs me tightly and spins me around.We were so excited.He held my hand as we made our way downstairs.

"Morning dad," I say,hugging him. "We have some news."

"What is it?" he asks,putting his smoothie down.

"Joey,I want to know if Eliza could move in with me," Dan sheepishly says. "I mean,we've been dating for a over a year now."

Dad looks up at him.At first I was afraid that he would say no.I mean,he did care for me like a daughter.But then a smile spread across his face.

"Of course!" he exclaims. "I'm so glad you two made this decision."

I smile and hug him.Dan takes my hand and we run upstairs.I grab my book bag and pack things in it.Clothes,books,any other thing that I might need.Then when I packed up the last of it,I looked around my practically empty room.I saw laying on the bed something I never noticed.There was a crumpled piece of paper.It was barely noticeable.I pick it up and read it.

Dear Journal,

I decided to adopt today.It's going to be exciting.Meghan and I never thought to have a child until now.I hope she likes me.We get to share a life with a beautiful little girl.And we can raise her,as if we had her.

I read it over and over again.A beautiful LITTLE girl.Not a teenager.They didn't like me,did they?I fold up the paper and tuck it into my front pocket.I run a comb through my hair quickly and we get ready to leave.

"Thank you for caring for me dad," I say,hugging him. "Even if I wasn't what you wanted."

"What?" he asks.I pull away.

"You wanted a little girl,not me," I say. "But,it's okay.You cared for me nonetheless. So thanks." I hug mom and she starts to cry.

"I'm going to miss you baby girl," she sobs.

"We'll visit sometimes!" I assure her.Dan nods in agreement.I pull away and smile sadly at them. Dan wraps an arm around me and we start leaving.

"Wait!" dad stops me.He pulls from his pocket a long rectangular box.He opens it to reveal a little heart necklace.Engraved in it was the letter 'E'.I put it on and smile.He shows me that it's a locket and when I open it I see a picture of mom,him and I.

"I love you dad," I whisper.He kisses my forehead.Dan and I leave,closing the door behind us.I start crying but he wipes my tears away.

"It'll be okay," he assures me. "You can visit them.And you have YouTube.It's okay."

"I know Dan," I smile sadly. "It's just hard to say goodbye."

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