Chapter Twenty Six - Unofficially official relationship

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Dan,Phil,and I decided to spend the day together.They took me on a tour of London which I enjoyed so much.

"Did you know I've never had a Jaffa cake?" I asked them.I had spent so much time with them I picked up their accent. "I heard of them but never tried one."

They gasped and shared a look. "You have to eat a Jaffa cake," Phil says and Dan nods in agreement.

"Lets go!" I exclaim and we run to a store.Phil buys a box of Jaffa cakes and we open it as soon as we leave.He hands me a Jaffa cake and I look at it.

"You won't die from it," Phil laughs.I laugh too and eat it.Man was it delicious.

"Why haven't I eaten these sooner!" I exclaim. They laugh and we finished the tour.We go back to the apartment and watch TV.It was a good time.


I woke up at three A.M laying next to Dan.I was snuggled close to him and I could hear his heartbeat. It felt nice to be so close to him.When I squirmed,he held me closer and whispered,"Morning love."

"Dan,you scared me," I giggle softly.He opens his eyes and looks down at me,a crooked smile on his face.

"I love you," he mutters.

"I love you too," I murmur.I didn't want to get up.This position is too comfortable.Until Phil threw a pillow at us and demanded we "get a room".

"Your just jealous!!" Dan exclaimed,getting up and throwing the pillow back to him.

"I'm not jealous of your girlfriend," Phil denies.

"Girlfriend?" I ask.

"Girlfriend?" Dan echoes.

"We never discussed THAT," I back up.

"Well,why not?" Dan asked. "Eliza Graceffa,will you be my girlfriend?"

"Why,yes I will,Daniel Howell," I smile. I hug him,happy.We look over at Phil and he takes a picture.He posts it on Instagram and the caption says 'Check out the unofficially now official couple! #Daliza'

"Daliza?" I ask.

"It was the best I could come up with,okay?!" Phil defends.

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