Chapter Twenty Seven - Not A Last Goodbye

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It was the last morning I had with Dan and Phil.They were driving me to the airport this afternoon.We decided to film a video to remember this time.

"So,if your watching this you are either Dan or Phil," I say into the camera. We were filming the video for us.

"Congratulations for living," Dan grins and I laugh.

"This wonderful girl here is Eliza.Don't ever forget her," Phil continues.

"Don't ever forget your girlfriend Dan!" Dan yells at 'himself'.

I nod. "I love you guys a lot," I pick up. "You guys cheer me up like nobody else can.I'm glad I met you." I kiss them both on the cheek. "Dan,I want to say that I will always love you.Even when we're not together.And Phil,you're basically my best friend.I could never forget you guys.I'm going to miss you." I start crying a little,but Dan hugs me to make me feel better.

"Remember to stay in touch with Eliza!" Phil yells. He shuts off the camera and looks at the time. "Twelve o'clock," he whispers.I grab my bag and we leave their apartment.


The plane was going to board in ten minutes.I give them both huge hugs and try not to cry.I kiss Dan passionately for a couple minutes before a lady over the loud speaker announced my plane was boarding.I started walking away until Dan stopped me.He kissed me again real quick and let me go.I ran off to get on my plane.

I looked down from the plane and smiled.I was going to miss those guys.They were amazing.I gasped when I saw Dan standing down there.He held a sign that read 'Stay with me forever Eliza!' He looked at me through the window,a hopeful look on his face.I nodded.He turned his sign and it now read 'I love you.' I grinned.He went all out with this.But I knew this wasn't the last goodbye.

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