Chapter Thirty Three - It's out!!

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Hey unicorns!I just wanted to say,the sequel is out!I published the second book.It's called 'Forgotten and Avoided'.So,go read it!!

Uhm,I am working on it badly.It's been the one I've been working on a lot.It's been taking time out of my other stories so I might take a break from it awhile.But it IS out.I have eight chapters of Britishy goodness.

I wanted to say,as always,you are amazing for reading my story.I never thought anyone would read my stories.But this is a happy moment for me.

The reason I write stories is because I'm not really popular in real life,so when I write I feel like I'm in a different world.And for the people who enjoy my stories,of course.

But in real life I use to get bullied a lot.So when I write I feel a sense of hope that something this amazing could happen to me.

Let's get a conversation going:Have you ever been bullied or bullied someone?Or did you have a friend that was bullied?Or are you in the popular clique?I want to know about you guys.

But my stories are to make others happy more than my own happiness.It does bring me joy,but I want to make a least one person smile,or laugh.And if I do that,my day is great.

Wow,things took a dark turn.But,it's something important in my life.You guys are learning about me and how I live.

I do have depression and anorexia nervosa (an eating disorder,if you didn't know) and bipolar disorder.So if you see things like random mood changes or not wanting to eat,I do have personal experience in there.

But guys,I do want the best for you all.You are amazing.I just want you to be happy.I have to say bye now.May the odd be ever in YOUR favor.Goodbai!

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