Chapter Eight - Flying out

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Dad and I get on the flight and we get to ours seats quickly.Unfortunately we couldn't get seats together so I had to sit next to a stranger.Mom wasn't on the flight because she wasn't invited to Vidcon.When I look at the stranger,I can't believe my eyes.

"Mitch?!" I exclaim.He looks over at me.I recognized that face anywhere.

"Hey Eliza!" he exclaims.

"What are you doing on this flight?" I ask. "You live in Canada,you should be on a different flight."

"Ah,Jerome and I missed our flight so we had to come down to Sacramento to get on this one," he explains.Jerome turns around and smiles at me.

"Is this the girl that beat you in the Hunger Deans?" Jerome asks,causing me to giggle a little.

"That's me!" I blush. "Eliza Graceffa,nice to meet you."

"Wait,Graceffa?" Jerome asks. I nod."I didn't know Joey Graceffa had a daughter."

"Actually he adopted me," I explain.

Jerome and Mitch share a look.At first I was confused but I ignored it.I got a text from Matthew before a stewardess came and told me to put my phone away.I check the message before putting it away.

'Meet me outside the hotel once yu get there - So-kinky'

I grin to myself and put my phone in my pocket. "Woah Mitch,check out her shirt," Jerome awes.I look down at my shirt and back to them.Jerome pulls from his carry-on bag a taco beanie.They sign my shirt in green sharpie and I sign Jerome's hat in cyan marker.

"Any merch from you Mitch?" Jerome asks,elbowing Mitch in the side.

"My Mr.Mustache sweatshirt," Mitch mumbles,causing me to smirk.I reach out and sign his sweatshirt.He looks at it and smiles.

We waste the flight talking about random things.From MineCraft,to Vidcon,to live streams.

"We plan on doing a live stream the second night," Jerome says.

"Maybe I should stop by and we can collab," I wink.

He chuckles and nods. "You definitely should," Jerome says. "People on Mitch's channel have been shipping y---"

Mitch cuts him off by putting a hand over his mouth.But he didn't need to.I already could guess.People on Mitch's channel have been shipping Mitch and I.I didn't need to be a genius to figure that out.

"Is the whole crew coming?" I ask,trying to change the subject.

"Yeah," Mitch says. "Jason,Ian,Ryan,Jerome and I.They decided that they wanted to split us in half so they gave Jason,Ian and Ryan a room and Jerome and I another."

"Ah,okay," I say. "They planned on having me and Dad share a room but they didn't have a room with separate beds left so Dad is in a room by himself and I am stay with Matthew and Joshua from Smosh."

"Cool," Mitch says.We sit in awkward silence until the plane lands.I grab my purse carrying my phone,wallet,iPod and earbuds,and scooch out of the seat.I get off the plane and wait for Dad with Jerome.Mitch decided to head to the hotel.

After grabbing my bag,I stare patiently at the plane. "Uh,you know," Jerome speaks up,causing me to look at him. "Mitch and I are sorry about our behavior on the plane."

"No reason to apologize," I smile.

"We just were really rude," Jerome apologizes. "You're really pretty and I got nervous and--"

"Y-you think I'm p-pretty?" I cut off.

"W-well yeah," he stutters,blushing.I smile and hug him,pressing my lips against his cheek.He blushes a deep crimson.I see dad and walk over to him,grinning from ear to ear. "Nice to meet you!" Jerome calls after me.Although he couldn't see,I was blushing.

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