Chapter Thirty - Return of the Ex

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I wake up staring at Dan's bedroom roof.I hadn't realized I fell asleep,of course until now that is.I held onto his hand.I didn't want to let go.I felt like I would lose him forever if I did.In reality that wouldn't happen and I was being irrational.

I let go of his hand and climb out of bed.I walk into the kitchen to see Phil making breakfast. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"Cooking," Phil replies.

"Why breakfast?" I ask.

"Well,you fell asleep at ten at night,it's eight in the morning now," he explains. "So,breakfast."

I nod and he places a plate of pancakes in front of me with a cup of orange juice.I dig in and we don't say anything else except for a thank you from me.I swear,nobody else could have made better pancakes.

After we finish our food,we sit on the couch and watch television while we wait for Dan to get up.After a while,I get bored.So I stand up and declare,"I'm going shopping!"

"With whose money?" Phil asks smartly.

"Mine,of course," I reply. "I work for YouTube.Don't you expect me to have money?" he nods nonchalantly and I leave,driving Dan's car.

I buy a couple outfits before heading back to my place.And by a couple,I mean about nine or ten.It's hard keeping track of all the beautiful clothes I buy.

I walk into the apartment and drop my new clothes off in Dan and I's room. "Sweetie,can you come here?" Dan called sweetly.I walk over to them and sit on Dan's lap,giggling.

"So,Jerome called here," he starts.I immediately hated the start of this conversation. "He wanted to know if we would like to go to a party over there."

"I don't care," I nonchalantly say. "We can go if you want."

"Alright," he says. "We'll go then."

This was going to be an interesting rest of our lives.

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