Chapte Eighteen - The World's Reactions

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I wake up at nine o'clock and climb out of bed,groaning.I grab my camera and start a vlog.
"Hey my tacos," I yawn. "It's nine right now.It's about time I get ready.Joven and Sohinki are still asleep,figures."
"I heard that!" Joshua yells into his pillow,muffling his voice.
"So anyway," I continue. "A lot of you lovelies have been asking if I was going to date Sohinki or Jerome.And I have made my decision." I do a drum roll on the counter and announce quietly,"Jerome.I'm sorry Smosh and Soliza fans." I post the video and,while waiting for the comments,change into my Princess Jasmine costume.When I go back to my phone,I see love comments and hate comments.
'that bitch doesn't deserve to be in a relationship with jerome'
'those two will make a good couple'
'your stupid.sohinki's awesome!'
Then there was that one comment that made me laugh.
'I like unicorns.And this was a beautiful unicorn moment.Just trying to brighten up the comments section!'
I go back into the bathroom and do my makeup to look like Princess Jasmine.I take a picture and upload it to Instagram.
Matt wakes up,smiling at me.But how was I going to tell him?

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