Chapter Four - Party With Them

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I woke up to the smell of bacon.I choose to wear a Pikachu shirt and white shorts.I walk downstairs and see Meghan cooking.

"Hi!" she chirped. "I'm Meghan.You must be Eliza.Nice to meet you!" she walks around the counter and gives me a hug. Wow she's super friendly. "I'm basically your mother," she smiles.

Dad walks in the kitchen with just shorts on and bed head. "Morning," he says groggily. He checks his phone then looks up at me. "Toby invited us all to his house.Do you wanna go?"

"Sure!" I smile. "I bet he's even funnier in person than in his videos." Mom? hands me a plate that has scrambled eggs,bacon,and toast.

"Do you want jam or butter for your toast?" she asks.

"Butter please," I reply. I stick my fork into the eggs and start eating.I eat about half the eggs,two and a half slices of bacon,and half of my toast.I try to finish it but I'm too full.

"You don't need to eat it all!" she laughs.I nod,smiling while dying on the inside.Too much food!I never ate so much before. I dump the food I don't eat in the trash and rinse off my plate. After they finish,I wash up the dishes and dry them off,putting them away.

"We're going to Toby's in about ten minutes," Joey says. "This is a special occasion,so could you dress fancy?"

"No problem," I say,jogging upstairs.I change into a blue dress with a black trim.The sleeves came above my elbows.I wear black heels and curl my hair.I line my eyes with silver eyeliner and put on light pink lipstick.

"Let's go Eliza!" Mom calls up the stairs.I walk down and she gapes at me.

"Ready," I smile. She hugs me.

"You look beautiful!" she exclaims.I smile.We wait for Dad before we leave.

When he comes downstairs he's dressed in a nice tuxedo.He wears a cyan shirt underneath and a bow tie.He smiles at me and we leave.

When we pull into Toby's driveway,I see a couple more cars parked out than just his.Dad wraps an arm around my shoulders and links hands with Mom.We walk up to the doorstep and knock on the door.A mess of brown curls opens the door and lets us in.

"Sorry we weren't here earlier," Dad says. "Eliza had to change real quick."

"So this is the lovely girl I've been hearing about," Toby compliments,hugging me slightly.

"Nice to meet you too Toby," I gasp. "I'm a huge fan."

"I love your videos," he admits.I smile and we sit next to each other on the couch.

As I look around the room,I examine who all is here.Anthony,Kalel,Ian,Melanie, Felix (Pewdiepie),David (Lasercorn),Matthew (Sohinki),Joshua (Jovenshire),Mari,Ken,and Ryan (Cryaotic).

My eyes met with Ryan's and my eyes went wider.Kind of in a 'I can't believe it' way.

Ryan,or Cryaotic,is my older brother.He and I use to sit alone in the adoption center,I was six and he was fourteen.He would tell me that it would be okay whenever I had a bad dream of a mother beating me.I would shiver in the coldness and he would hug me to keep me warm.Then he got adopted.

"Eliza,I can't believe it!" he exclaims. "You're back!You're here!" he shoots up to hug me,but I push him away.

"You left me there!" I exclaim. "You left me when you were God damn capable of coming to save me!"

"L-look,I-I'm sor-," he starts before I cut him off.

"Sorry isn't going to save you," I coldly state. "You hurt me.While you were busy having your own life being happy I was stuck starving in a cruddy adoption center for ten years!Ten years without you!" I start crying but don't let that stop me. "How could you?I thought you loved me."

"I do love you," he defends. "I didn't think I could care for you.I thought that--"

"You were thinking wrong!" I cut in. "You cared for me since I was six!And you couldn't care for me after?"

Tears began furiously streaming down my cheeks.Kalel came over and wrapped me in a hug.Felix came over and sat Ryan down.I broke from Kalel's grip and left,slamming the door behind me.


I walked down the sidewalk,not really knowing where I was going.But I sure as hell didn't want to be in that house.

I found an old abandoned park and walked in.I sat on a park bench,letting tears roll down my cheeks.

"Why is a beautiful girl like you crying?" A voice asks.I look up to see Matt.

"You saw what happened," I whisper.

He nods solemnly and sits next to me. "Look,Eliza," he says,looking at me. "I know Ryan hurt you.I can tell.But it was how long ago?"

"Ten years ago," my hoarse voice escapes.

He nods. "You have every right to be upset with him," he admits. "But can't you find a way to talk to him about it?"

"I don't know," I say. "I guess."

He stands up and I stand next to hin.He takes my hands and smiles at me.He hugs me and when we pull away our faces are inches apart.I smile and we walk back to the house,hand in hand.

Do I seriously like Matthew?

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