Chapter Twelve - Maybe Love Isn't My Thing

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As I stand there in Matt's arms,I smile.It was a genuine smile.He smiles too and kisses the top of my head. "You look beautiful,like always," he whispers.

I turn around to face him and smile.I wrap my hands around his neck and I move in closer.He moves in too.Soon enough,our lips meet.We kiss for a couple seconds until I pull away.No Eliza, I think to myself.This is what happened last time!

Matt and I let go,smiling.I walk out first and he follows at my heels.I share a look with him once we see Joshua sleeping and grin.He knows what I'm thinking and hands me a whip cream can.I spray it into my hand and he takes my phone,filming me.

"Hi my tacos," I grin into the camera. "It's the second day of Vidcon and Joven is sleeping soundly.Until now!" I run over to him and slap him,smearing whip cream all over his face.I run away from him down the hallway with Matt,laughing like maniacs.

"I'm gonna get you!" Joshua yells.I run into Dad's room with Matt,panting badly.I lock the door and go to clean my hands.

"What happened out there?" Dad asks.I take my camera from Matt.

"I just slapped Joven with whip cream," I say like it's normal. "The ushe."

"Okay then," he says,going back to sipping his coffee and reading the newspaper.

"Well guys I can't wait to meet some more of you lovelies!I'm going to be doing a live stream tonight with the Smosh crew,and Team Crafted.So many people!Be sure to check that out.On that note,gooddbyyyeee." I have Matt shut off my camera and immediately upload it to YouTube.

"Guys this isn't funny!We have to leave!Come on!" Joshua yells through the door.

I cautiously open the door.I see Josh standing there,face clean,new clothes.We head out to the second day of Vidcon.


I walk around the booths,having nothing to do.I had finished performing and signing things.I feel someone walk up behind me and cover my eyes.

"Guess whooo," the voice sung.

"Uhh,Mitch," I giggle.

"Your a bad guesser," Jerome chuckles,uncovering my eyes.I turn around and smile at him,giving him a hug.He takes my hand,which I reluctantly accept,and we walk around together.Suddenly,I have him stop.

I jump on his back and yell,"Piggy back ride!"

"Do I have to?" he groans.

"Only good boy friends do this!" I exclaim.

"B-b-boyfriends?" he asks.

"Yeah," I say,then realizing what it sounded like. "Guy friends do this."

"Oh," he says disappointedly.

Maybe love just isn't my thing.

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