Chapter Twenty Two - #Elizaslove

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As I close out of YouTube,I go onto Twitter and unlock my door.A lot of people were posting mean things like 'You deserve to die @TheOnlyEliza'.I began crying badly.My door opened and dad walked in.

"What's wrong lil baby?" he asked.In response I point to my Twitter.He reads over all the mean posts.He went on his Twitter on his phone and in response posted 'How could you guys hate on my daughter @TheOnlyEliza?I thought you were true fans! #Elizaslove'. I giggle and hug him.

"Thanks dad," I smile. "You sure know how to make me feel better."

As I scroll past the mean comments,I see that my dad's hashtag was already trending.YouTubers that I haven't met or don't know that well were using it.

'@TylerOakley - I heard ya'll were hatin on @TheOnlyEliza.Nuh uh.Queen don't like that. #Elizaslove'

'@FinnHaries - @TheOnlyEliza is amazing!You guys should be ashamed. #Elizaslove.'

Even Dan and Phil had their say in the whole problem.

'@Danisnotonfire - People who hate on @TheOnlyEliza are not true Danosaurs. #Elizaslove'

'@AmazingPhil - I'm so upset that you guys were being mean to @TheOnlyEliza.What did she do to you? #Elizaslove.'

I was amazed in the response to this.There were many YouTubers like OlgaKay,The Fine Brothers,Jack Douglass,and Shay Carl that were using it.Then one post caught me way off guard.

'@Tobuscus - I love @TheOnlyEliza and if you guys hate her,then you aren't really apart of The Audience #Elizaslove.'

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