Chapter Twenty Four - The Queen

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When I woke up,I was laying on a couch in a place I don't know.When I look around,I remember I'm staying with Dan and Phil.I get up and groan,grabbing a pair of clothes for today.I settled on a light blue spaghetti strapped sundress.I brush out my hair and let it fall in waves down my back.

"Elizaa!!!" Phil called. "I made breakfast!!"

"Be out in a sec!" I called.I lined my eyes in silver eyeliner and left the bathroom,making my way to the kitchen.

Sitting on the table was pancakes and toast.A cup of orange juice was placed in my spot and I sat down. "Thank you so much," I say. "For everything."

"Anything for you," Phil grins. I eat my pancakes when I hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Dan yelled. He opened the door and Tyler Oakley walked in.I put my plate in the sink and did up dishes real quick.

"Hey Eliza,Dan,Phil," Tyler grinned. He hugged Phil,then Dan,then me.Everybody is so fricken friendly.

"Oh my gosh Tyler,hi," I greet him. "I am such a big fan.

"Same here," he admits. "I guess we're doing a video?"

"Yep!" Dan says,popping the 'p'.He sets the camera on a tripod and gets ready to film.I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth quickly and apply lip gloss before coming out and sitting on the couch.

"You look beautiful," Tyler compliments.

"Thanks," I blush. "You look nice too."

He grins that amazing grin he has and we wait for Dan to give us the signal that we're ready to film.He hopped over the camera and we started filming.

"Hello internet!" Dan introduced. "I'm here with Eliza Graceffa and Tyler Oakey!!"

"The queen himself!" I pushed,causing Dan to laugh.

"So today we decided to answer your questions."

We all get on Twitter and go through the questions they asked. "So,Amanda from my home place asked 'Who would you date if you could?' Tyler reads.Dan and I look over at him. "I don't know," Tyler admits. "Everyone I know is amazing.I just can't pick anyone out specifically." They both shift their gaze to me.

"Well,I just got out of my relationship so it'd be hard for me to pick," I admit. "But,I think I'd have to say..." this was a big moment for me. "Dann!!!" I exclaim,hugging the shocked brit. "He is just amazing and I could not have asked for a better best friend."

Dan blushes slightly as I let him go. "I'd have to say Eliza," Dan grins.

"Kiss,kiss,kiss," Phil chants in the background.I give him a dirty look and he stops.I kiss Dan on the cheek and smile at the camera.

"You happy Phil?!" I exclaim.

"Very!" he shouts back.I giggle.

"So,Lizzy from Georgia wants to know what out favorite book series is," I read. "I am obsessed with Harry Potter."

"I love the Ramona and Beezus." Tyler says.

"I'm going to go with a basic one most people love," Dan says. "Hunger games!"

We record for another twenty five minutes until we call it quits.Dan goes into his room and edits the footage.

Tyler and I sit on the couch talking about our lives while Dan edited the footage and Phil watched TV.All that was on my mind was the kiss.Was Dan going to edit it out?When he has to leave,I give him a hug goodbye and he leaves.I walk into Dan's room.He'd been editing for a long time.

When I walk in I see him curled up on his bed.I sit on his bed next to him. "Hey Dan," I whisper.

He flinches when he hears me. "Oh,hey Eliza," he mutters.

"Are you okay?" I ask.I knew the answer,I just wanted to know if he'd lie to me.

"Oh,yeah," he lies.

"Don't lie to me," I whisper. I pull him into a hug.I wanted him to be okay.

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