Chapter Two - New Home

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"Lets go Eliza," He finally says.

As we leave I wave sadly to my only friend and call,"Bye Dominic.Take care of yourself,okay?"

"So Eliza,did you plan on going to Vidcon this year?" He asks along the quiet car ride,trying to make conversation.

"I did Jo- dad," I say. "They gave me tickets to be there but the adoption ladies weren't going to let me go."

"Well now you and I can go," He excitedly cheers. "Isn't that exciting?"

"Sure is,dad," I say.

"How old are you?" he asks.

"Sixteen," I reply.

I stare out the window,afraid to look at him.It was going to be loads different being away from Dominic and them.Hopefully less bullies.

Yes I got bullied a lot.And beat up. I still have bruises on my stomach.I have bruises in spots all over my arms.He looks at them before adverting his eyes to the road again.

"How'd you get those bruises?" he asks.Wow he wants to know a lot about me.

"Beat up by girls back at the adoption centre," I plainly state. He nods and pulls into his driveway.He takes my bag and walks me through the house.

"And this is your room," he finally says. I look around.The walls were painted a plain sky blue the carpet was a plain white colour.I look over at him and give him a huge hug.

"I love it!" I mumble into his shirt. "Thank you so much."

"My pleasure," he chuckles.I sit down on my bed and place my bag next to the edge. "Don't worry about unpacking,we're going to Vidcon in three days."

There's a knock on the door and he goes to get it.I lay down on the bed,looking around.I'm so glad to have a home.

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