Chapter Twenty - How Many Fans

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As I sit in my booth,I suddenly get worried that I lost my fan base.As I check YouTube,I see that Matt made a new video.

"Hey guys," he voice comes out. "I know a lot of you have seen TheOnlyEliza's video on how she's dating JeromeASF.I want it to be clear that it does NOT effect me.I'm now dating Mari."

There was a big line of people at my booth when I look up.I started signing things like crazy,everyone was excited to see me.I got pictures with people,and everything felt right.

Jerome starts walking over to my booth and girls fan girl.

"Eliza,you and him are so cute together!" a girl exclaims.She gets a picture with us and smiles with giddy.

After a couple hours of signing things and meeting fans,we get relieved of our duty.It was a good day.I knew that my universe was good.

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