Chapter Nine - Just Stop

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Dad and I take a cab to the hotel.Outside,Joshua and Matt were waiting for us.Matt takes my hand and we check into our room.

When we see our room,there is a double bed and a single bed. "Some people have to sleep together," Josh points out.

"Thank you Captain Obvious," I joke,sitting on the edge of the double bed.

"Dibs on the single bed!" Josh rushes out,causing me and Matt to share looks.

"I guess you and I are sleeping together," I half smile.

"Guess we are," he says,smiling. I put my things on the right side and lay down in bed.

I had gotten both Jerome's and Mitch's numbers on the plane and they'd gotten mine.I saved Jerome under 'Bacca' and Mitch under 'Benja'.Soon Jerome's picture lights up my screen and it says 'New text from Bacca'. I unlock my phone and stare at the text.

'U comin over now or what?We're filmin and want yew to join -Bacca'

I smile at my phone.

'B ther soon.Whats ur room #?'

He immediately replies back '#532'

I get up and head towards the door when Josh stops me. "Where ya goin?" he asks. "Joey expects us to take care of you."

"To a friends," I say.

"Which friend?" he asks.God,is this Twenty Questions or what!

"Mitch and Jerome's," I say.He looks confused. "BajanCanadian and JeromeASF." He nods and I walk out the door towards Jerome's room,laptop under my arm.


I walk into their apartment as if I own the place.Jerome smiles at me and pats the seat next to him.I sit next to him and open my computer.

"Hey everyone!" Mitch introduces. "It's Mitch,or BajanCanadian here with a new Capture The Wool.We are playing with Ian,Ryan,Jerome,and wait.Who's this?!It's Eliza!"

"Hey guys!" I exclaim. "So glad to be here."

"We are playing MineCraft on our first day of Vidcon.Wow," Ian remarks.

"If you don't like it,you can take some cashews and leave!" I exclaim jokingly.

"Cashews?" Jerome asks.

"Yeah," I say.Then I sing,"Did you know that cashews come from a fruit?"

"Tobuscus refereeennnccceeee," Ryan sings.

"Anyway,lets get to playin!" Jerome exclaims.We join the Nexus.It's Jerome Mitch and I on a team and Ryan,Jason and Ian on the other.We decide to assign people jobs.

"I'll get the wool," I offer bravely.

"Here,take dis," Mitch says.He throws at my feet a diamond axe.

"Bettyy!!!" I yell.

"Oh crap they have Betty!" Ryan says jokingly.I run into their base,full iron armor,and kill most of them.I grab the first wool when the door opens.

"Let's go Eliza!" Joshua calls. I get killed when I turn around to look at him.

"God damn it Joven,you got me killed!" I yell,picking up a creeper plushie and throwing it at him.

"Matt says you better get back to our room," Josh warns.

"Just let me finish dis," I say,going back to my game.

"Is that MineCraft?" he asks,walking over to me.

"Duhh," I reply smartly.

"Is that a mod or something?" he asks.

I look at him in a 'I can't believe you' way.He holds his hands up in surrender and I go back to the game.I grab all my items and quickly put my armor back on.

"Mitch has lingerie!" Ian says.I guess he infiltrated our base.I grab all the wools and run back to our base.I knew this was dangerous but I didn't care.I sprinted quickly,dodging arrows and slaying people.I put the wool in the chest and we win.

"Ahh,GG Eliza," Ryan says.

I type 'GG' in the chat and smile at Joshua. "Joven from Smosh Games made a cameo in this episode," I say into the microphone. "He's the reason why I died."

"I'm sorry!" Josh replies.I laugh and take us out.

"Thank you all for watching make sure you leave a like if you liked this video and check out everyones perspectives and subscribe if you want to see more," I say quickly.

I end the video along with everyone else. "Thank you guys for having me!" I cheer.

"It was a pleasure," Ian says.

"Ian stop being a pervert!" Mitch yells,throwing a pillow at him.I laugh and leave,followed quickly by Joshua.

"I can't believe you embarrassed me in front of my friends!" I yelled.

"It's not my fault Matt is overprotective!" he spits back.I flip my hair over my shoulder and shift my laptop under my arm.I walk away quickly,with Josh at my heels.

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