Chater Twenty One - The days away

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As dad and I stood in the airport,our plane wasn't arriving for another half hour.I saw Jerome walking over to me,eyes red.I guess he'd been crying.I hug him immediately but he doesn't hug back.This confused me,but I pull away.

"What's wrong Jayrome?" I ask.

"This," he says,confusing me. "We can't be together.I'm sorry.It's just,we're too far apart.And I can't deal with the days away."

"Oh,okay," I whisper subtly.I didn't want him to hear the pain in my voice.

"Again,I'm sorry," he apologizes.I shake my head,clearing the thought.He walks away with Mitch.I feel dad's stare on me and I turn around to face him.He gives me a hug and I cry into his chest.Our plane starts boarding so we get on.I wash the memory of Jerome from my mind.


When we arrive home,I lock myself in my room.I couldn't face anyone.I was just too upset.I set my laptop on my desk and plug it in.I start live stream,ready to tell the world.

"Hey guys!" I cheer.But people didn't buy it.Immediately what filled the comments was 'What's wrong?' A person even pointed out 'you look like you were crying'.

"So,I just got back from Vidcon.And I may or may not have been dumped," I admit. "Don't hate Jerome or Team Crafted at all!I understand his reasoning.We're just too far apart.I mean,he lives in Montreal and I live in California.It's just too much."

I saw a comment from a person I never thought would come into my videos. 'He still shouldn't have hurt a Danosaur'.From none other than Dan Howell.I grinned.

"So,on the plane ride my dad suggested a trip to London to cheer me up.But we can't since we don't really have a place to stay," I explain. "It's fine though.Next year I'm able to move out since I'm going to turn eighteen.But,until then I'm in California."

Immediately my heart lifted as I saw a comment from Phil. 'You can stay with us :)'.Wow.They were offering to let me stay with them.

"As I'm reading the comments," I read. "I see Dan and Phil's comments.Thank you so much guys!I appreciate it.Oh my gosh,I feel like I'm lagging.Am I lagging?"

Comments rush in saying there's no lag.Dan and Phil say they would love for me to stay with then.

"So guys," I cheerfully exclaim. "I am going to do a quick comedy thing.This ISN'T planned,so please don't hate me for this.So this is a story that actually happened.So if you don't know who Skydoesminecraft is,check him out so you could understand.So I was watching his video,it was a 'Do not laugh'.And he just had said "You can't do anything when you just start projectile crapping" and I was at the orphanage at the time.So the orphanage lady,Holly,just walked in.And when she heard that she dropped my wash basket and ran out.Her face was PRICELESS."

And then the mean comments starting rolling in.I guess they were new viewers that started the clip at the beginning.

'You honestly don't deserve Jerome you bitch!'

'NO.He rejected you cause your fat!'

'Nobody likes you,just quit YouTube.'

'You should just go die for hurting Jerome'

I let a tear roll down my cheek but smile through the pain."So,Dan and Phil," I grin. "I guess I'll see you in London.How about in a week?"

Their comments said that it would be fine and I laugh. "I have to go now,bye guys," I smile. I shut off the video and see how long it took.Fifteen minutes of my time.

Mean comment after mean comment came.They didn't like me.It hurt.You don't know how many people hated me so much.It was just painful.

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