Chapter Eleven - Bad Thoughts

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I lay awake for about half an hour.I look at my phone to see it's twelve thirty. I kept thinking about that kiss with Jerome.Then I remembered,he has a girlfriend.

A wave of depression hits me like a tsunami.I quietly make my way out to the hallway and sit outside our door.I begin to quietly cry for about twenty minutes. "Stupid Eliza!" I exclaim quietly to myself. "You can't date him!He has Louise." Just then,as if a sign,Jerome texts me.

'U awake? -Bacca'

'Yh. Bacca,we cant be 2gether -Ell'

I begin crying badly as I hit send.This was the most painful thing I could ever do.

'Y not? -Bacca'

'U hav Louise -Ell'

I wrap my arms around my knees and put my phone on the ground.He texts me,but I don't respond.I was too hurt.He messages me like crazy.20 missed texts.Eventually I see a figure walking down the hall and assume it's him.But it's not.It's David. He sits down next to me and wraps an arm around me.

"What's wrong baby girl?" he asks.In response,I show him my phone.He reads over my texts with Jerome and sighs. "It's going to be okay."

"You don't know that," I whisper. "I really like him."

"I know it hurts now but you'll get over it," he mumbles,holding me close. "Sometimes it just isn't meant to be."

I rest my head on his chest.His heart is beating fast.I listen to his steady breathing and smile.It was the one time I felt,almost happy.I close my eyes as my phone vibrates again.I fall into a good sleep in his arms.

I wake up in the hallway,still wrapped in David's arms.I smile to myself and snuggle closer to him. "Morning baby girl," he whispers in my ear,sending shivers down my spine.

"Morning David," I whisper. "Guess we better get ready?"

"I guess," he agrees. I get up and he stands up after me.I pick up my phone. Thirty missed texts and four missed calls. All from Jerome.Who cares?Right now isn't the time.

I say goodbye to David with a hug and walk into my hotel room.I see Matt up,making breakfast.Joshua is sleeping soundly.

"Where were you?" Matt asks.

"In the hall," I state.

"Whyyy??" he pushes.

"I don't wanna talk about it,okay?" I frustratedly say.I dig around in my bag and grab some clothes.A Pikachu shirt and dark blue denim shorts.I take them to the bathroom and change.I clean my face and dab it dry.I moisturize my face and walk out,feeling refreshed.

"We're going out to dinner later,okay?" Matt asks.

"Just you and me,or..." I push.

"No,it's the whole gang.You,me,David,Joshua,Ian, Anthony,Mari,and Joey."

"Alright," I say. I grab my makeup bag and make my way back to the bathroom.I line my eyes in silver eyeliner.I put on red lipstick and smile into the mirror. "Pika pik!" I yell,laughing a little.

"Calm down Pikachu," Matt jokes.I laugh and brush my hair.I let my hair fall in waves around my face.I take the challenge and look at my text messages.

'Im sorri Ell -Bacca'

'Ell,r u okai? -Bacca'

'Ell,wher r u?! -Bacca'

'Ell dis isnt funni.tell me ur okai -Bacca'

'Ell plz r u okai? -Bacca'

The messages go on and on like that.I sit on the edge of my bed and listen to the first message.Hearing his voice brings a tear to my eye.

"Hey Eliza," his voice says.It sounds hollow. "I'm sorry about what happened.I know you're probably hurt right now.But I just want you to be okay.Louise and I actually aren't together.She broke up with me.But I'm just calling to say I love you and I'm sorry.Please call back if you get the chance.Bye."

I look at the time his call was.One A.M. I sigh and dial his number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Eliza,are you okay?Where are you?" his voice asks worriedly.

"I'm fine," I choke out. "I'm in my hotel room."

"Why were you avoiding my texts and calls?"

"I'm sorry.It's just that I couldn't handle talking to you.I was too hurt.I just wanted to calm myself down."

"I understand.Do you think we could still hang out?Maybe we could still be together?"

"We can still hang out.I'd have to think about us being together,alright?It's kind of hard to decide right now."

"I understand.I guess I'll see you later then?"

"I guess.Bye."


I hang up.I let the tears I was holding back roll down my face.Matt finishes his toast and makes his way over to me.He sits down on the bed next to me and wraps his arms around me like David did.He didn't ask any questions,just held me.I sob silently in his shirt,getting it soaked.He doesn't seem to mind.

"Don't cry my flower," he whispers. "You are beautiful,you should not cry.Please don't cry."

My tears slowly stop.I get up and go to the bathroom,fixing my makeup.Matt steps in and wraps his hands around my waist and smiles.I smile too.Being in his arms felt right.I don't know why.

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