Chapter Three - The Best Friend

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"Eliza,can you come down here?" Dad calls.I get up from my spot and semi-run down the stairs.I see Kalel and Anthony from their channel 'Watchusliveandstuff'.I smile and approach.

"Hi!" Kalel chirps. "I'm Kalel.I've watched your videos on YouTube before but never noticed it was placed in an adoption center."

"I watch your videos too," I admit. "A lot of people don't notice.But I'm glad to have a home now." I look up at Jo- dad and smile.Gosh I need to get use to calling him Dad.

Kalel wraps me in a hug and Dad ruffles my longish brown hair.I smile at Anthony and he waves. "Anthony,her channel is TheOnlyEliza," Kalel says,elbowing him in the side. He looks at me as if he didn't notice.

"I'm a big fan," he admits. "I'm a little star struck."

I giggle. "Thanks," I blush.

"Anthony and I are going to be like your aunt and uncle," Kalel cheers.I laugh. "As your aunt I need to take you shopping."

I look at Dad.I have to get permission from him first.He nods and Kalel and I go to the mall.I get a few tank tops,a couple dresses,some new shoes,and shorts.After we decide it's enough we drive home.

"Why did you get shirts like that?" Kalel asks.She points to the one that says 'teens don't kill themselves,depression does'.

I gulp and admit,"When I was four I got depression.I was bullied ever since then and I,uh...attempted suicide once."

She sighed and blinked away tears. "Don't ever do that," she warns. "You are a beautiful girl.You should never kill yourself.Your amazing."

I nod and we pull into the driveway.I guessed Kalel was my new best friend.I trudged upstairs with my head down.I laid in bed and slept.It was a rough day.

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