Chapter 5- He has a girlfriend

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Leon and Violetta came into the studio together. As soon as they walked in, Francesca greeted them!

Francesca: Violetta! You made it! I missed you so much. How are you?

Violetta: I'm great Fran. I can't believe i'm going to school here now!

Francesca: Well you missed a few assignments since you havent been here the first few days but i can help-

Francesca noticed Leon standing next to her.

Francesca: Oh so i guess you two were walking together, huh?

Francesca had a worried look on her face.

Violetta: Oh ya we were

Leon looked nervous for some reason, Violetta noticed.

Leon: Well i better go...

Francesca: Ya maybe you should.

Leon went away. Violetta was confused.

"Fran! You made him uncomfortable! What was that about anyway?!" said Violetta.

"If I were you, i would stay away from him" said Fran. "He is associated with Ludmilla, and you don't wanna mess with her"

"What so you think he is like whoever this Ludmilla chick is? He is really sweet and nice!" said Violetta.

Francesca: Woah... wait a minute... Do you... like Leon? as in LIKE him?

Violetta: I dont know yet...

Francesca: Well you can't, he's dating Ludmilla.

Violetta's heart shattered. It made no sense. It felt as if he was leading her on. Maybe it was all in her head.

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