Chapter 9- Jealous?

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I swear I saw Violetta just run past me! I stopped hugging Ludmilla and went after her, but Ludmilla stopped me.

"Where do you think you are going Tommy?" she asked me.

"Oh just to see who that girl was who went in that classroom." I replied.

Ludmilla was beginning to look a little annoyed. "You can't go in there! Class hasn't started yet! It was probably just a teacher who went in!" she told me.

I was still confused, but i went along with it. "Okay, i guess..." i told her.

Ludmilla spun me around and took me to on a tour to see the rest of the classrooms as she shooed people who were in the way!

"Supernova! Coming Through!" she yelled. "Move It!" she said pushing a kid to the side.


Violetta rushed into the room with a disappointed look on her face.

She suddenly bumped into someone. It was Leon.

Violetta: I'm sorry... I didn't see where i was going.

Leon: No, its okay... It was my fault.

Leon noticed something wrong in Violetta's eyes.

Leon: Hey, are you okay?

Violetta: Ya... I'm fine.

Leon could tell Violetta was lying.

Leon: Somethings up with you. I can tell... Do you need someone to talk to?

Violetta: ...

Leon: Because then I'm your guy.

Violetta: No it's okay, I think i will be fine... Thanks for trying to cheer me up...

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that everyone was coming in to attend first period including Tomas who had noticed Violetta and smiled at her.

Ludmilla was holding his hand as they came in and Violetta quickly held onto Leon's arm!

Violetta: I think i am feeling better Leon... why don't you come sit with me?

Leon smiled at her and then sat down next to her.

Violetta turned around to see a couple of people staring at her and Leon. Francesca and Camilla seemed a little confused.

"It's going to be okay" Violetta whispered to them.

Violetta then noticed Tomas looking a little worried and decided to ignore him and look at Leon.

"Why am I trying to make Tomas jealous?" Violetta realized. "This is not who I am". she sighed thinking to herself.

Just then the class had started. The groups had split up and were off to practice in the music rooms with each other.

Ludmilla had offered to work with Tomas. So she and him ran off to start practicing.

Soon Violetta and Leon were alone in the room practicing.


"This Song is Amazing!" I told Leon after he had sung it to me.

"Thanks" he said. "I spent all night working on it"

"I think this song will be perfect for our first assignment" i told him.

"I agree." he said smiling.

I couldn't help but smile back at him... but then he told me how beautiful my smile was

"oh my god" i thought. "How am I suppose to answer that?" I was panicking on the inside but smiling and blushing on the outside.

I thanked him and he said "Your welcome" but then he immediately changed the subject.

I hadn't been listening to him... there was something on my mind.

"So..." I began. "Are you and Ludmilla dating?" I asked. I felt my cheeks burn and i immediately regretted saying that after i had said it out loud.

"Uhm..." he started and then he paused for a while. "Yeah we are" he said feeling awkward.

"Oh no" i thought to myself. "Then why is Ludmilla flirting with Tomas" I felt bad for Leon.

I tried to tell him. "You know..."

"I saw Ludmilla hugging this guy named Tomas earlier... and I don't know, I just thought i would let you know because she looks interested in him..." I looked down as I said that.

For a few seconds, there were more moments of silence.

"Yeah, the thing is... she does that a lot" he said.

"You aren't worried?!" I asked him.

"Well I dont know... I don't even like her like that... We are not even really dating" he said spilling the truth out.

"Oh" I said. I didn't know if I was confused or happy.

"She made me date her so that we could be the most popular couple..." he said. "But I don't think that could actually work for much longer."

"Oh" I said again... I was speechless.

"Ludmilla likes someone else and so do I, so our fake relationship would have been found out sooner or later"

"I wonder who Leon likes" Violetta said to herself.

Then Leon had suddenly realized "Wait, so do you like Tomas?"

I was shocked that Leon had asked me that.

"Because it seems as though you ran out after Ludmilla hugged Tomas... so i was just wondering"


cliffhanger? xx

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(Also I am starting on another story called "All In My Head" so check that out to )

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