Chapter 25- Weird Date

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You should thank me because I am updating double for this fanfic today💕 welcome.x

Sorry about Leonetta💔 We will see how their relationship ends up in the next chapters... Together? Or still broken up?

Please vote and comment btw:)



I walk to the theater and see Diego waiting for me with something behind his back.

"Hello" I say smiling.

"You look pretty as always" he kisses me on the cheek and pulls something from behind him.

It was a flower.

"Thank you" i say sniffing it.

We walk to the theater and he tries to buy me popcorn but I resist.

We enter the dark theater and he says he wants to sit in the back... Yay.


As we are watching the movie, he puts his arms around me.

"Uhm Diego" i say.

"Oh sorry" he says pulling his arms away.

In the movie, there is a date scene.

I try to move away from him as possible as the main character tries to kiss the female protagonist.

"Great movie, huh?" He says.

"It's ok" I say. I turn my head towards him and he leans in.

I shove popcorn in his mouth. Smooth Move, Violetta. Smooth.


At the end of the movie, we talk outside of the theater.

"Are you sure you don't want to go out to eat somewhere it's only 5:00" he says.

"Yeah... I need to get home or else my dad gets angry" I say.

"I can drive you?" He says flipping his keys.

"There's no need" I say. "I can just walk because my house is over by that park" i say pointing to the park.

"Well okay Vilu... I had a great time" he says smiling at me.

"Me too" i say smiling back. "Thanks for the movie Diego"

"No problem" he says staring at me.

He slowly leans in to kiss me.

Something inside of me resists it. I can't move on from Leon no matter what I try...

I turn my head so he kisses me on the cheek.

"Uhm see you at school" he says walking away.

I slightly laugh at myself for being stupid. Leon's not going to get back together with me. I frown and walk across the street.

I should have let Diego kiss me right? That would be how i could move on from Leon. Maybe I should just stay single to get over him... Maybe... I should...

"Watch out!" Says a voice of a boy in front of me.

I turn my head and see a car coming at me.

I panick and I close my eyes expecting to be knocked out already.

But I'm not. Instead someone pulls me out of the road and into his arms.

I look up and smile.

"Do I need to keep saving you from getting killed Violetta?"

I don't say a word. Instead, I do the cheesiest thing a girl could do to a guy who just saved her from being killed. I grab his face and smash my lips against his.

"More Than Anything": A Violetta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now