Chapter 6- Awkward Assignment

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Violetta had been trying to pay attention during her classes. It sucked that Leon was in almost every single one, as well as his girlfriend.

She kept looking over at the blonde girl with wavy hair. She was so pretty. "Prettier than me" Violetta thought. "How can I compete with that?"

Her last class was almost over.

Pablo: Now everyone remember to work on a song with a partner. We have paired all of you up with someone and you will be working with them for your last assignment before the finals.


I tried listening to the names, wondering who i'd be paired up with.

Pablo: Leon, you and Violetta will be working together!

"You have got to be kidding me..." I murmured.

Glancing over Franchesca and some of her friends, Camila and Maxi, they all looked worried about me.

"Sh*t" i thought. "They must have heard me".

Leon walked over to me.

" So i guess we are working together..." he said, glancing over at Ludmilla, probably to make sure she was okay.

"Yeah" i responded with a fake smile.

I looked at Ludmilla who had already been whispering something and laughing at me to her friend with curly black hair.

"Ok, so i guess you can come over to my house if you want, i mean to practice" he said.

"Oh okay Great...."

This conversation couldn't have gotten more awkward.


Tell me what you think about the story so far? :)

Sorry this part was short :(

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