Chapter 29- I love you.

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This book is coming to an end! Just so you know :) hope you enjoy this chapter! Keep voting and commenting<3



It's been a week and I finally scored a date with Leon! Of course, he thinks we are going as just friends... But I am going to make it so that in the end, he is in love with me! First, I just have to get that Violetta girl off his mind... I wonder how I can do that...

"Hey Leon!" I say as I walk up to him leaning against the wall.

"Oh hey... You're here." He says smiling.

"So which movie do you want to see" I say holding his hand.

He smiles nervously. "Erm... How about a horror movie"

"Yes!" I say smiling.

I know what Leon is planning! He is going to put his arm around me protectively as I get scared. I just have to act like I'm in fear!

We get our tickets and walk into the theater.


When the movie starts, scary music appears and i cuddle near Leon.

"You're scared? It's just music..." He says looking weirdly at me.

"Um no" I say nervously.


In the middle of the movie, a girl with brown hair and a girly outfit comes into the scene. She gets killed by a monster.

I look at Leon who jumps in fear.

"Wow you're scared of this?" I smirk trying to impress him.

"Um Lara, I'm gonna go" he says running out of the theater.

"That wimp left me here!" I said in my head. "I have to follow him!"



Lara's nice and sweet and funny. Even though, we went as just friends, it felt like a date. I tried to ignore that fact and watch the movie. Why can't I just date her? Then It would be easier to move on from....

"VIOLETTA?!" I stare at the movie screen and see her getting chased by a monster.

"Wow you're scared of this?" Lara says next to me.

"How can she not see Violetta?" I wonder. "She's right there in the movie..."

I look up again to see that it wasn't Violetta, just some girl with brown hair and a similar outfit.

That really scared the hell out of me.

I excused myself and went outside.

"No way" I thought as I stared at all the movie posters. All I can see is Violetta's face. Everywhere.

"This is driving me crazy" I said to myself. "I need to go home"

"LEON!" Lara says running behind me.

"I'm sorry Lara, I want to go home..."

"But Leon we-"

"I can't do this. I can't be with you! Not even as friends... I'm really sorry!"

And with that, I ran off out of the theater and into the nearby park.


After minutes of walking, I went down the park stairs and saw... Violetta.

I walked up to her and pinched myself. Then, I rubbed my eyes... This is her.

I was about to call her name, but I was too afraid...

I began to walk away, I didn't know what I was gonna say...

"Violetta" I said immediately regretting it.

I tried to quickly turn around but she saw me.


I sat beside her on the bottom of the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"Just sitting... In the park" she said nervously.

"Are you um.. Okay?"

"No, not really" she says sighing.

"Why? Can you tell me..."

"Leon... It's you..."

"What about me" I ask gazing into her eyes.

"I wanted to tell you this, but I assume you are with Lara now?"

I shake my head and she slightly smiles.

"Okay then... Erm... I don't know how to explain this..." She says.

I sigh and listen to her.

"I guess I'm just sorry... For not seeing you... Ever, I mean you were always there for me... As a friend, and you even helped me and Tomas get together... I didn't know you liked me until you kissed me... I was really..."

"It's okay" I said looking down. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that... I-"

She hesitates to speak.

"I really like you, okay Leon? You don't get what I'm trying to say?" She says. "I've always liked you and now I can't get you out of my mind!"

"Me too." I said sighing.

"Really?" She asks smiling.

"Except, I didn't just like you... I used to love you"

"Used to...?" She says with a hurt expression.

"Ya... And now I know that you never felt the same way..." I stand up and start to walk away but she stops me.

"Wait Leon! That's not what I meant."

"Vilu, please stop."

"You know i'm bad at explaining things, I meant-"

"I don't care what you meant" I say holding in my tears.

She grabs my hands and holds them close to her heart.

"I love you. I do." She says looking into my eyes.

"I was stupid for not realizing that. I'm sorry. Please tell me you love me back?"

I sighed and shook my head.

"Oh" she says. She lets go of my hands with tears in her eyes and runs away.


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