Chapter 16- Party

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I walked into the school and saw Francesca. I ran up to her and hugged her.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I shouted.

"Aw! Thanks!" She said as I handed her a gift.

"Ooh i wonder what is inside!" She said shaking the box.

"Open it later!" I said to her.

"Okay!" She said putting the box in her bag.

"Thanks so much! I can't believe you remembered!"

"How could I forget?"

We hugged one last time and went to class.

I sat down with Leon again.

"Hey" he said grinning. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, and you?"

He was about to answer but saw Tomas.

"Hey wait Tomas!" He shouted.

"Leave me alone" he said looking angry. He glanced at me and whispered "why are you sitting with him?"

"He didn't do it!" I whispered back. "It was-"

We were interrupted by Pablo.

Class had started so we just tried to pay attention.


After school, I went to go change in my outfit for the party. It was a princess costume since it was a costume surprise party that we were throwing for Francesca at the Resto Band.

"Hello" said Leon behind me closing the back door.

"Oh! You scared me!"

"Sorry" he said grinning.

"It's ok" i said laughing.

We both looked down at our costumes.

"So..." I said. "You're... A prince?"

"Yeah" he said laughing. "And you're... A princess!"

"That's a funny coincidence" i said to him laughing.

"Shall we go then my lady?" He said holding out his arm.

I held it while grinning and we went to the party.


We hid under the counters and saw Francesca.


"Wow! I can't believe you through a surprise party for me!"

"It's all for you" i said hugging her.

"Thank you guys so much!"

Suddenly Tomas came up from behind me with a gift in his hand.

"Here Fran" he said smiling.

"Thank you so much Tomas!" They both hugged for a long time.

I had felt a little jealousy.

Then, Francesca kissed him on the cheek and yelled "Let's dance!"

Maxi's Techno music played and everyone started dancing.

We were having a good time as we were singing "Always Dancing".... But then Ludmilla came.

In the same pirate look that Tomas had been wearing.

I went to the bathroom to make sure I didn't cry because I was wearing a lot of makeup but I was confused! Do i really like Tomas?

Why can't I keep my jealousy away?

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