Chapter 27- The one I love

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Hey everyone! So a lot of you know that I have been really busy with all my other fanfics (I currently have 3 other fanfics I am working on😬) so I need to end this quickly. I am going to end this maybe on chapter 30 or so. Thanks if you have been enjoying it! Remember to Vote and Comment👍 thx



Violetta's POV:

I can't get over what I said to Leon no matter what I try. Do I really want to lose him?

I enter the music room to pick up my music sheets but Tomas is in there.

"Sorry didn't know you were here" I said quickly grabbing the paper.

"What? It's fine..." He says smiling at me.

"Oh good..." I say nervously smiling. "Well bye" I wave and turn away.

"Wait erm..."

I turn back around and walk towards Tomas.


"Are you okay?"

I am nearly crying but I don't know what to say.

"Yes" I say quietly.

"No you're not... I know you"

The next thing we know, we are staring into each others eyes and then I run up and hug him.

"It's okay" he says stroking my hair.

"I needed that" I say. "Thanks Tomas"

He smiles at me and holds my hand.

"Anytime you need me Violetta, I will be there just for you"

I wish I could believe him. Just for me. He makes me feel special at the time, but why does it feel like I'm not the only one he makes feel that way?

"So how's Ludmilla?" I ask.

"I wouldn't know" he says laughing.

"Oh, right" I say nervously. I feel kinda guilty bringing up all the girls he flirted with.

"And Francesca?" I ask.

"Wait...erm... Why are you asking?" He asks me.

"No reason" I say staring into his eyes.

We look at each other and then he leans in.

I don't know what to do. Should I leave him? Should I slap him? Should I kiss him?

I lean in until our lips barely touch and hear Francesca's voice in the back.

"Tomas? Violetta!?" She cries.

"Francesca! I um-"

"Save it Tomas! I knew you still had feelings for Vilu"

"What is going on? Tomas, Why is Francesca being this jealous?!"

"Tomas, I can't believe you didn't even tell Vilu!" Fran shouts.

"Fran please" cries Tomas.

"Tomas asked me to be his girlfriend this morning and now he goes off kissing other girls! Wow tomas! What a boyfriend you are!"

"Tomas! How could you?!" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"I know I asked you this morning but I only did it because I wasn't thinking straight! I made a mistake now that I thought Violetta wanted me back... I couldn't hold back my feelings for Violetta so I tried to kiss her!"

Francesca runs away crying.

"Tomas you didn't even bother to tell me you had a girlfriend?!" I yelled.

"More Than Anything": A Violetta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now