Chapter 30- Another Love Story ending.

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(Warning: Cheesiness towards the end *cough* cough*)

Leon's POV:

I love Violetta. I really love her. I'm too afraid to tell her. Then we will get back together. She will break my heart again...

I'm running inside the studio and I bump into someone.

"Sorry Man" I say nervously helping Tomas up.

"It's okay Leon" he says.

"So why are you running?" He asks.

"Erm.. No reason" I say.

"Is it Violetta problems?"

I glare at him. "Yes it is! Are you happy? You can have her now because I don't love her."

It was hard to say but I managed.

He just looked at me with a weird expression.

"What?" I ask as he stares at me.

"No you do"

"Do what?"

"You still love her"

"No I don't-"

"Dude, I know you... I know you still love her... What's going on?"

"Tomas, aren't you gonna go after her?"

"No... She's better off with you... Or at least i thought..."

I sigh.

"What happened?"

"She said she loved me. I shook my head and she ran away. She's never gonna talk to me again."

"Why did you do that? Why did you let her go?"

"I don't know..."

"Don't you want to get her back?"

"Of course Tomas! Of course I want to be with her More than Anything... But I'm scared..."

"Scared of what?" He asks folding his arms.

"Heartbreak. it's happened once"

"People learn from mistakes Leon" he says patting my back.

He's about to leave but I stop him. "Wait Tomas..."


"I need my best friend back"

"Okay" he says smiling. "I'm here for you"

"Thanks" I say smiling. "So about Violetta... What do I do?"


"You said that people learn from mistakes but..."

"To be honest Leon, I can't really help control your feelings for her... All I can say is that... I think the real mistake you're making is leaving her"

I look down and don't say a word.

"I know Violetta. She's a great girl and you're letting her go... Think about it..."

I can't help but think that Tomas is right. How can I get Violetta back?


I try to find Vilu at her house.

"Excuse me is Vilu here?"

"No Leon, she went out with Fran and Cami" says Olga.

"Do you have any idea where she is?"

"I think the karaoke place?"

"Thank you olga"

"No problem"


Violetta's POV:

"Thanks girls" I say to Cami and Fran. "I really needed that.

We sang Once Again on stage and everyone clapped.

"Your welcome Vilu" says fran.

"Are you sure you are over Leon?"

"erm... Yeah" i say. I know I'm lying to myself. "Let's go now..."

"Don't you want to stay a bit?" Asks fran.

"No.. I really need to go..."

"Okay... Let's go to your house" says Cami.

"Yep! You can all stay over" I say smiling.

We head out into our car and I suddenly want an urge to go back inside. But why?


Leon's POV:

Violetta's not here. I looked everywhere... She probably already left. I really wanted to tell her how I felt tonight... But I'm just gonna have to wait.

"Who is brave enough to come on stage?" Says the announcer.

I quickly try to get out of the place to go home but the light shines on me.

"You there!" Says the announcer. "What's your name?"

"Erm... Leon"

"Give a hand for Leon"

Everyone claps and I stand on stage.

They hand me a guitar and I start to play...


Violetta's POV:

"Guys wait! My purse"

I run back into the karaoke place and hear a familar voice. Is that....?

I try to look on stage but there are tons of people blocking me. I can't see his face. I can only hear his voice.

...But there are some things that I know

Just come here and I will show

I couldn't take it! I stood on a table to see who was singing! Leon looked straight at me and smiled.

I quickly and awkwardly stepped back down, everyone was looking at me. Suddenly a bunch of people stepped back and Leon came towards me singing and handing me a microphone.

In your eyes it's really clear

You can if you try, imagine inside

I smiled as he held my hand.

We can paint our souls with all of the colors

We can sing and shout, yeah

We can fly up high with no wings to guide us

Be the words to all my songs

Find myself in your voice...

The performance seemed to last longer than it did. When it ended, me and Leon gazed into each others eyes.

He hugged me tightly and I wrapped my hands around his neck as clapping and cheering could be heard in the background.

We separated from the hug and he smiled as he looked into my eyes.

"I love you Violetta. Promise me that nothing will ever keep us apart?"

It sounds cheesy when he says it... But it's my love story so we can say whatever the hell we want to say!

"I promise"

And with that, he leans in and we kiss without a care in the world.



✌️ that's the end of this book✌️💋

Hope you enjoyed it<3 had loads of fun making it!

Thank you all for your support 😍

This was my very first fanfic. I started this first and now I'm finally done👌

🌚 Can't Thank you enough .xx


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