Chapter 13- Performance

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"Don't worry Violetta" i said as she was shaking. "We are going to do great".

"You think so?"

"Yes just try to enjoy it"

"Okay" she said smiling at me.

We entered the classroom.

"Now who wants to go first" asked Angie.

If we go first, there will be less stress and Violetta needs to calm down.

"Me and Violetta" i said calling her up.

She was extremely nervous so I smiled at her to keep her happy.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"...ya" she said.

"Are you sure?" I whispered. I squeezed her hand to make sure.

She squeezed it back and nodded.

Then I started playing piano and looked at her as she nervously looked around...


We were about to start! I was so nervous and Leon was being so calm. How could I do this? I was going to let him down.

He got up behind the piano and looked at me smiling. I smiled back trying not to look nervous... But he saw through me and held my hand.

"Are you sure?" He said.

I nodded at him blushing slightly as he was still holding my hand.

He finally began to play...

Sometimes I feel like there is no one who sees me

He began to sing and I felt Tomas' eyes on the back of my head. He was sitting with Ludmilla. Maybe I should just try to enjoy this knowing that I could make Tomas jealous. I began to sing with Leon

No one is there who knows what's needed to please me

But then maybe, maybe that one could be you

I gotta find one who can see me

Leon was still singing trying to get my attention. I felt bad for accidentally noticing Tomas during our performance... but he looked so cute leaning into my face and singing. I giggled a little. I continued to sing.

The one who knows, knows how to please me
But then maybe, maybe that one could be you

We were smiling and singing now.

I long to see your face
You tell me it's best to give you space
And now I cannot even hear your voice
Now the problem that I face
Find more tears for you

I didn't care about Tomas at this moment. Me and Leon sounded amazing together! I hope we get an A.

I only see your face
Time will not allow it to erase
I crave the time when you and I embrace

Now the problem that I face
Find more tears, find more tears
Find more tears, find more tears

We finished the performance as we looked into each others eyes. I couldn't believe we did it! And we did the best we ever had done!

I hugged Leon in front of Tomas who was now looking down upset.

"That's it!" Angie said. "The connection and emotion you put in was perfect! Very well done you two!"

Leon and I sat down happily.

"More Than Anything": A Violetta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now