Chapter 11- For you it is

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Surprise! I decided to update just this once since it is July 4th yay🎆🇺🇸

(I am still on a break with this book though)

So enjoy this chapter and have a happy fourth of july:)



I walked into the studio, to see Tomas coming up to me.

"Hey Dude! It's been such a long time since we have seen each other!" He said coming in for a man hug.

"Hey its nice too see you too Tomboy" I said smirking as I remember calling Tomas that quirky nickname in middle school that he hated.

"Hey! Don't call me that!" He said laughing. "So how are you bro?"

"I'm okay I guess" i said.

Suddenly Ludmilla came out of no where.

"TOMMY" she said.

"I hate that nickname too" he whispered to me looking at Ludmilla.

I couldn't help but feel awkward.

Ludmilla suddenly noticed me and was nervous.

"Hey Ludmilla! You know leon, right?" Said tomas.

"Oh ya" she said quietly.

"Tomas... Me and ludmilla... Were dating" i said

"Oh" he said awkwardly.

"Were?" She said quietly.

"Yeah we are not dating anymore so you can have her!" I said smiling.

Finally i am free from Ludmilla

"Oh ok i guess" he said nervously. It showed that he wasn't interested in her anyway so he didn't care.

Ludmilla smiled a big smile and hugged Tomas.

"Aw tommy! We should go out now!" She said squeezing tomas.

"Umm maybe now is not the good time-" tomas tried to say.

"Well of course! we have to get to class right now! Anways Ludmilla out" she said strutting away.

"So.. I'm guessing you don't like Ludmilla" i said to Tomas.

"I don't... I kinda like that other girl with brown hair and beautiful eyes"

"You mean...?"

"Violetta" he said smiling.

I shoved my hands in my pockets and sighed. I couldn't believe I was about to say this.

"Well she likes you" i said staring at the ground.

"What!? She does! Did she tell you that?" He asked.

"Yeah when we were working together..."

"Hey can you tell her that I like her back?" He asked me. "Oh and that I'm not with ludmilla!"

"...yeah" i said.

"Thanks so much! Wow I can't believe she likes me! That's amazing" he said walking away.

"...for you it's amazing" I mumbled. I went to straight to class.



They didn't know that Ludmilla had been secretly listening to them the whole time.

"Wow i can't believe Tommy doesn't like me!"

"Well" she said. "He will when Violetta gets mad at him because she thinks that he doesn't like her and comes crawling to me!" She said devising a plan.

"And it will all be thanks to Leon" she smiled evilly at the thought of getting back at Leon for breaking up with her, and at the same time, ruining Violetta's relationship with Tomas!


How will she do it!? Read the next chapter to find out!

I will try to update on this book maybe on Saturday then more on Sunday... and I will return my daily updating schedule on the 7th of july. In the mean time i will still be updating a lot on my other book "All In My Head: A Leonetta Fanfic"

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! So suspenseful haha

Happy 4th of july! 🇺🇸 (American holiday)


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