Chapter 8- That B*tch!

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Working as a pizza guy can be a fun job!

All you have to do is deliver pizzas to people's houses and they have to tip you! Once i was at this house, and the lady didn't even tip me?! That was the only sad day...

Other days are better. One time i was trying to deliver a pizza to this girl's house. She was my age, cute and short with brown hair and brown eyes. She was funny... We talked until the pizza became cold! Then i got her number which was pretty cool! "Go Tomas!" I said to myself that day.

It's funny how many chicks' numbers i got doing my job as a pizza deliverer...

Today I was sent to deliver a pizza to another house. It was pretty big and modern. I rang on the bell and it took almost a minute for the person to answer. I could hear some whining behind the door.

"Why do I have to get it? Where are all the maids when you need them?!" Said the voice. It sounded very girly and high-pitched.

I heard this girl groan as she opened the door. She was a pretty blonde with full-face makeup and wavy hair that reached down to her sides. I guess she was pretty cute...

"Here is your pizza miss" I said handing it over to her. I noticed she was staring at me and smiling with big eyes almost as if she was surprised.

"Oh!" She finally responded. She didnt know what else to say she started stuttering. "Oh... Uhm... Hi ... You're really... Damn... Uhh" she continued.

"Excuse Me?"

"Oh! Hi I'm Ludmilla!" She exclaimed flipping her hair and batting her eyes.

"Hey, I'm Tomas" i said. "You ordered this pizza right?"

"Oh" she said suddenly realizing. "I didn't order a pizza... Sorry this is the wrong house then" she said handing back the box of pizza.

"Oh I'm sorry miss"

"Don't call me miss!" She snapped.

"Oh sorry forgot... So I can call you Ludmilla..."

"Yes... And you can call me anytime!" She winked at me and smiled handing me a peice of paper.

"Call me later Tommy!!! Bye"

"It's Tomas" I said as she slammed the door on my face.


Ludmilla texted Tomas later that night.

"Heyy Tommy! <3 What's up?" he texted.

Seven minutes later Tomas texted her

"I got fired from my pizza delivery job😔"

"Oh no... Well now we can talk more!!"

"Yaa....." Tomas replied but he was being sarcastic and wondering why Ludmilla was being so selfish.

"Well I'd love to stay and talk with you but I have to go to bed :'( tomorrow is school for me... Bye Tommy😘 Text me Later😉"

"Wait what school do you go to?"

"Its this great music school... HEY! You should attend if you like music and all that stuff!!!"

"I do like music! Where is the studio? I want to attend!"

Tomas and Ludmilla talked for longer and Ludmilla managed to convince Tomas to go try out!


The next day, Ludmilla had overheard Violetta, Francesca, and Camilla's conversation.

Violetta: I met this guy named Tomas and he was so nice. He's this guy from Madrid and he has got black hair and these beautiful sea green eyes... Or maybe blue... I dont know but he is great!

Ludmilla wondered if she was talking about the same guy...

Francesca: Wait! Are you talking about Tomas Herretia? He applied yesterday and got in for the school!

Violetta: What no way!

Camilla: Yes way!

Violetta: Omg! Ok girls... Todays the day... I am going to go ask him out once he comes in!

Francesca and Camilla both squeeled "Awh!"

Suddenly a student tripped and spilled his water bottle on Violetta's shirt!

Ludmilla couldn't help but smirk!

Francesca: Oh no! Me and Cami will help you get dry! Come to the ladies room with us

They left the room to dry Violetta off.

Ludmilla quickly deviated a plan as she saw Tomas outside about to come in!

She waved her hand at Tomas who rushed over to her to say Hi.

Since she was his only friend they started talking.

Soon enough Violetta had come back and was walking towards them...

Ludmilla: Oh Tomas!

She reached for a hug and Tomas accepted because he was so happy he got in!

Ludmilla and Tomas embraced, meanwhile Violetta was heartbroken.

Ludmilla glanced at Violetta and gave her a wicked smile. Violetta ran out of the hallways upset.


Thanks So much for 60 views already! I didnt know it would get that much haha. thanks to everyone who likes it ♥️ ily.xx

Vote please? :)

the next parts will have some more Leonetta😉


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