Chapter 10- Best Friends

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"Oh no" i thought. "Leon thinks I like Tomas... that is so awkward!" I didn't know if I should tell Leon... would he care? He said he likes someone so maybe he wouldn't mind me telling him.

"No... I don't like Tomas!" I said. "I just was concerned for you, because Ludmilla was flirting with him."

"Are you sure?" He said looking into my eyes. "Violetta, if you need to tell me anything... you can trust me."

I didn't know what to say or what to do. He just continued to stare at me. "Leon is just being a good friend" i said to myself. "He will be supportive of me." I thought.

"Yes..." I said. "I kinda like Tomas and I was jealous that Ludmilla was hugging him in the hallway so I ran into you" I said letting out a huge breath.

"Well" Leon began. He leaned over the electric piano and rested his arms there.

He first let out a sigh. I couldn't tell if it was a disappointed, jealous way of sighing or just a normal sigh. I became worried what he was going to say next.

"I know Tomas really well! We are best friends... so I could set you both up" he said smiling at me. I wondered if he was fake smiling considering his dimples weren't as visible...

"Wait... What?" I said extremely confused.

"I just want to help you Violetta, you seem to really like Tomas... I can get him for you" he said winking at me.

I threw my hands over Leon hugging him.

"Oh thank you so much!" I said to him smiling. "You're a really sweet friend!".


I felt bad for making Violetta feel uncomfortable. I shouldn't have asked her if she likes Tomas... i guess I was too curious.

I have known Tomas since we were in middle school. His dad and my dad were best friends and went to the same high school. Tomas and his family stayed at our house for a few weeks once they moved to Buenos Aires. I was shocked when I heard that Tomas was back. I hadn't talked to him in a really long time!

I have to say; I'm not really surprised that Violetta might like Tomas... Tomas used to have so many girlfriends...

She began to speak:

"Yes...' she said telling me that she liked Tomas.

"Wow" i thought. I couldn't believe she actually told me... "She must think I am such a great friend... she trusts me" I thought.

I was glad that Violetta trusted me but something made me feel a little......


I played it off though, by saying I would set her up with him... "Why did I do that?!" I thought.

She came over from the other side of the piano to give me a hug that seemed to last forever.

I hugged her back thinking about how I could possibly set her up with Tomas knowing that I am beginning to like her as more than a friend.


awww i feel bad for putting Leon in the friend zone... ( lol ) sorry Leonetta fans <3

But i had to create a unique twist:))))

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