Chapter 20- Wrong

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Me and Leon sit together after lunch and wait for Pablo to tell us something.

I look at Tomas who sees us holding hands and I loosen my grip a bit.

"What happened?" He asks.

"It's nothing" i say putting my other hand on top of our hands.

"Okay" he says smiling.

Pablo comes in.

"Before we start class, I would just like to say there will be a new student attending the studio tommorow or the day after!"

"Ooh pablo! What are they like?" Cami asked.

"What's her or his name?" Asked Fran.

"what does he or she look like?" Asked maxi.

"I won't say much right now but it's a male student" says Pablo.

Ludmilla smirks at me and I wonder why.


After school, I head outside but Tomas stops me.

"Violetta... Can we talk?"

"Tomas please I have to go..."

"I'm begging you" he says pleading.

"Ok... But not here..." I say running to the park.



It looks like Violetta forgot about meeting me after school...

I was a little bummed but I guess she had something important.

I head outside and saw her talking to Tomas. They then ran off the a nearby park.

I was too anxious.. I needed to know. I followed them and hid behind a tree as I listened to them.



We stopped walking and faced each other.

"Now what?" I said glaring at him.

"Violetta... I thought we loved each other..."

"I thought so too but then you go around flirting with Ludmilla and Fran and it makes no sense" I cross my arms as i speak.

"They don't mean anything to me!" He shouts.

"Well It looks like you have your feelings mixed up..." I say. "Listen, Tomas.. I don't want to be shared..."

"I only love you"

"Well that's too bad because I like Leon now..."

"You just said 'like'" he says grinning.


"See Violetta... You don't love Leon... You love me!"

"Tomas i'm leaving..." I say walking away.

He grabs me and pulls me close.

"Why are you dating Leon anyway? Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"No i'm not Tomas!" I said yelling frustratedly.

"Then why are you two together?!" He shouts in anger.

"Because he kissed me!" I say.

Tomas looks hurt. I grit my teeth and look at the ground.

"Ya that's right he kissed me... And i felt sparks..." I say nervously. "He really showed me that I was special..."

"I'm sorry for not doing that" he says quietly.

"What? For not kissing me?" I say laughing

"No... For not making you feel special" he looks sad and turns away.

"Tomas..." I say immediately regretting it.

"No... Violetta... I'm sorry... I should have made you feel like the only one" he says getting closer.

I look down at my feet and they end up moving closer as well.

I look up to see him staring into my eyes.

"Tomas, I can't-"

He touches my cheek and kisses me. I slightly kiss back but stop myself....

"This is wrong" i say walking away from him.

"I'm sorry" he says walking the other direction.


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