Chapter 26- Watch out!...Again

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"Do I need to keep saving you from getting killed?"

I stare into his eyes and smile.

Leon saved me. Again.

I can't help it. I grab his face and kiss him... and then... I hear his voice.

"Violetta Are you okay?" He asks.

"What?" I say snapping out of my weird daydream.

"I said are you okay?" Leon asks looking at me confused.

"What... Just happened?"

"You nearly got run over by a car and then I pulled you away and now you're just standing here looking at me... Are you seriously okay?"

"Yes" I say. I realized that I was still in his arms so I awkwardly back away.

"Um thanks again" I said.

"Your welcome... Just be careful" he says putting his hands in his pockets.

"Wait why are you here?" I ask.

He nervously folds his arms. "Um... For a walk?"

"Were you spying on me?!" I ask.

"No... But I did see you outside the theater with Diego... I wasn't spying."

I look down upset. I really wished I could just tell Leon how I felt about him. I couldn't just get over him. He probably thinks I like Diego.

"So what happened? Why are you sad?"

"Um... Diego... Tried to kiss me" I say.

"What?!" Leon says annoyed. I am surprised of his reaction. "On a first date? How dare he!"

I look at Leon who is looking at me and then realizes what he just said. He awkwardly backs away from me a couple of steps.

I remember our fight earlier today and anger fills me. "Why do you even care Leon?! We are not together anymore" i say mocking his earlier words.

I walk away immediately regretting what I said. Now I know that he still cares about me, but I have made it pretty clear to him that I don't want him to...

I run back home and lay in my bed with my head in my hands.


"More Than Anything": A Violetta FanficWhere stories live. Discover now