Chapter 15- Dinner

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I watched as Violetta walked out of the hallway as soon as she saw me.

Why was she avoiding me? She has been doing that the whole day.

I went back to open my locker, when I felt a hand grabbing my arm and spinning me around.

"Tomas?" I said as I saw his angry face.

"Leon why did you do it!" He asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about?!"

He pushed me up against the lockers.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about!" He said.

Suddenly a crowd of students began to form.

"Leon! You sent that text to Violetta and then she got mad at me!" He yelled. "How stupid do you think I am? You wanted her all to yourself!"

"Dude, get off! I never sent that text!" I said pushing him away.

"You Liar!" said Tomas raising his fist.


Violetta came rushing in.

"Why are you fighting like this? This isn't going to solve anything!"

I glanced at Ludmilla who had just come to watch us.

"But Violetta-" said tomas.

"No Tomas... I don't like this side of you..." She said softly while shaking her head.

Ludmilla had been slightly grinning.

"Please leave me alone Tomas" she said running away.

Tomas left upset and the crowd backed away.

Ludmilla was left standing there and smirking... She went over to Naty happily so I eavesdropped on them.

"Naty! Did you see that?" Said Ludmilla.

"Yes! How did you do it?" She asked.

"With the help of Leon's phone" she said smirking.

My phone! Is that why she needed to borrow my phone?!?

"Who knew that one text could ruin everything... And make me so happy!" said Ludmilla cheerfully.

"Revenge is sweet" said Naty.

"Yes and Leon got what he deserved and Tomas will come crawling back to me and then... Violetta... Well, let's hope she gets heartbroken and leaves the studio!" Ludmilla said smirking. "Otherwise, if she doesn't leave, at least she doesn't like Tomas anymore!"

"Yeah!" Said naty smiling. "You are a genius supernova!"

"Aww!" Said Ludmilla hugging her.

"Let's go eat some food Naty!"

The two skipped happily to lunch.



Leon had to somehow tell Violetta! He felt like Tomas wouldn't listen to him so he tried to tell Violetta first.

After school, He sneaked through the backdoor of the kitchen and went up to her room!

He knocked slightly and the door opened itself.

He found Violetta lying on her bed with her face sobbing into a pillow.

"Violetta..." Said Leon.

"Leon? What are you doing here?" She asked softly.


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