Chapter 23- Complicated

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I try talking to Leon after school but he ignores me. Why is everything becoming so complicated suddenly?

I go for a walk in the park and see Tomas.

"Violetta!" He says calling me.

"Tomas... You have already made things worse..."

"I know. I'm really sorry. I hope we can be friends"

I sigh and look at him.

"We-we just can't! It's too hard Tomas! I think we should just avoid each other..." I say.

"But Violetta I-"

"No Tomas..." i say interrupting him. " I just need some space".

I turn around and walk away.


I think this is one of the worst days of my life. I'm confused and everything is just making me want to run away and not have to deal with all the drama.

I walk by the motorcross and try to look for Leon. I'm not spying... I think. I just really need to talk to him.

I go over and see a girl with her hair tyed up and a bandana. She is shorter than me but she looks my age.

I go up to her and ask where Leon is.

"He is racing right now! He should be done in 5 minutes" she says smiling at me.

"Thank you..." I say.

"Um.. Who are you?" She says with a bit of a jealous tone.

"My name is Violetta... I'm um... Leon's friend"

"Oh i know you! Leon talks about you a lot" she says.

"Oh really... Ya, I'm really his ex-girlfriend"

"Yep! He has mentioned that."

We stand there awkwardly.

"I'm Lara! Leon's....friend" she says.

"Oh" i say sort of relieved that she isn't his girlfriend.

"Anyways... I well let you wait for him" she says smiling and leaving.


I wait and wait for him until I'm too curious and decide to walk somewhere else.

I can't find him anywhere. It's been 10 minutes and the race is already over... Where could Leon be?

I walk back to where I saw the girl and peek behind a tree. I couldn't believe my eyes.

That girl was there. The girl who was trying to help me find Leon. She had her hands on Leon's cheeks and was kissing him! I felt anger, jealousy and embarrassment.

I quickly turned around and tried to forget what I just saw... But now tears were forming in my eyes.

I walk back home by myself.


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