Chapter 19- Distracted

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Violetta's POV:

I walked into Gregorio's class and saw Leon.

"Hey" he said coming over to me.

"Hi" I said blushing.

"So I was wondering-" Leon tries to speak but Gregorio interrupts.

"C'mon people get into your places!"

We walk on our spots and start dancing.

After a while, Leon and I glance at each other. He smiles at me and I smile back. I giggle as he winks... Gregorio looks angry.

"Okay stop. Stop right there! Thank you..."

He shuts the music off and glares at Leon.

"What do you think you are doing?" He asks him.


"No you are not you are distracted"

"Okay i'm sorry-"

"Just don't say anything and pay attention!" He says while Leon grins.

"You and your little girlfriend can giggle all you want after class" he says looking at me.

I feel everyone's eyes on me. I try not to make eye-contact with them.

Gregorio turns on the music and we continue dancing.

"Okay that's enough" he says after we are done. "See you tomorrow"

I look at Tomas who looks worried but I decide to ignore him and talk to Leon.

"Hey! You did really well" i said.

"Oh thanks" he says laughing. "It feels great to be yelled at by Gregorio"

"Oh erm yeah" i say laughing.

"So anyways... Wanna sit together at lunch?"

"Uh...yeah! Of course."

"Okay great... See you then" he says kissing me on the cheek.

I wave at him and smile as he leaves the room and let out a sigh.

Suddenly i feel two hands on my back.

"What was that?!" asked Cami excitedly.

"What is going on between you and Leon?!" Fran asked with her eyes lighting up like christmas lights.

"What? N-nothing" i said nervously.

People began to crowd around us and listen.

Maxi was behind me grinning.

"Oh c'mon there is obviously something!" He says.

"Uhm..okay..." I say trying not to smile so big.

"What is it?!" Fran says.

"Say it!" Cami says.

"Well... Leon... And I..."

"Mhm?" says Fran listening.

"Leon and you what?" says Cami trying to get me to talk"

"Leon... and I" I say smiling "...kissed..."

Screams fill the dance practice room as Cami, Fran and Maxi jump up and down and hug me.

"Vilu omg!"

"Your first kiss!!"

"I know! I know!" I say smiling a lot. "But don't tell anyone else! I need to go!"

I walk out of the room to lunch but they follow me demanding to know more!


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