Chapter 12- Ludmilla's plan

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I went up to Leon and tried to hide my evil smile. This plan was perfect...

"Lion! Help me!" I fake cried.

"What do you want Ludmilla?" He said crossing his arms.

"Tomas just told me he didn't like me!" I said hugging him.

"Did it really take you that long to notice that not every guy wants to be with you?" He said smirking.

Ugh he is such a jerk! I continued acting.

"Whatever Lion! Comfort me!" I said.

"No Ludmilla! I don't like you!"

"Lion I am so hurt!" I said dramatically.

"Tomas said he hated me and then he said that he already told Violetta that he liked her and she liked him back!" I said. "How could he leave me with her?!"

Leon looked surprised and a little happy but upset at the same time.

"Oh really.. I was supposed to tell her that he liked her..." He said.

"What? Leon... I thought you liked Violetta? Why would you set her up with Tommy?"

"Because he's my friend and so is vilu and... Hey wait? How did you know I liked her?"

"I know for sure now" i said smirking.

"Oh" he said looking nervous.

"Well now that I told you..." I said still acting. "That means... You don't have to tell Violetta that Tomas likes her..."

"Ya i know.. Because you said Tomas already told her!"

"Yes that's what happened!" I lied. "Anyways thanks for trying to comfort me Leon, you are a pretty good ex- boyfriend"

"But i wasn't even trying to-"

I shushed him with my finger and walked away.

So far my plan is working...

Then later I took Leon's phone once again and sent her a text.

"Hey, I am sorry to say this over text but I tried to set you up with Tomas but he said he wants to be with Ludmilla! I'm really sorry Violetta:(


It feels so good to be evil!


I just got a text. I hope it's from Tomas!

Oh it's Leon! Did he set me and Tomas up yet?

I read the text and couldn't believe it! Tomas had chose Ludmilla over me? That can't be true! But Leon sent me this, and I trust Leon, i always have... So it must be true...

I didn't feel like replying back...

I sat on my bed and stared at my lamp, depressed. I didn't feel like seeing Tomas tomorrow at school. He was going to be with Ludmilla probably...


The next day Ludmilla went up to Tomas.

Lu: Tomas Do you Not like me?

T: what who said that?

Tomas was a little nervous.

Lu: Leon told me!

T: he did? Well i didn't mean it like that...

Lu: yes you did!

Ludmilla fake cried.

T: hey... You are beautiful and you will find someone really great... Just not me...

Ludmilla was actually hurt that Tomas said that but she continued acting

L: aww thank you Tommy- i mean Tomas

Tomas felt bad for ludmilla but was glad she turned good. (Or so he thought!)

Just then, Violetta walked in and saw Ludmilla hugging tomas!

She now believed that they were actually dating! She left in tears!


I found Violetta in tears in the music room.

"Hey Violetta let's practice-" i began to say.

"Wait are you ok?" I asked her.

"No" she said sniffling. "Tomas was hugging Ludmilla"

I hugged her tightly.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because they are dating! You told me remember??" She said.

I didn't say that... I stopped hugging her and scratched my head.

"Wait, but I didn't-" I tried to tell her I had no idea what she was talking about but she interrupted me.

"Just comfort me" she said putting her head on my chest.

She cried into my chest for almost a minute.

I still didn't understand how it happened but somehow Tomas chose Ludmilla over Violetta!

I spoke as we embraced.

"If this helps... I think Tomas was stupid for letting you go" i said.

"You are amazing... And talented... And beautiful... I don't think you should be crying over him because he left you for Ludmilla." I continued.

"He is a blind jerk... You don't deserve him" i said feeling a little guilty.

He's my best friend but i was just mad. He could have been able to get a girl like Violetta but he chose ludmilla?!?

She stopped crying.

"It's ok Leon... You don't have to be mad at Tomas this much... I'm sorry, let's just practice." She said wiping her tears.

"I'm just mad because..." I started to say but I decided to not tell her that I was mad because I was jealous that she liked Tomas.

"Never mind let's just practice" i said.

We practiced and felt a stronger connection as we sang. Tommorow was the performance... Let's hope we do well.

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