Chapter 7- Resto Bar

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After Violetta finished all her classes, Francesca ran over to her.

Francesca: Hey Vilu! Want to come to the Resto bar with all of us? Me, Cami, Maxi and everyone else is going, you should come too!

Violetta: No Fran i don't think I can go... I have to get home pretty quick...

Francesca: Oh come on! Only for a while... I don't think your family will mind if you come hang out with us for a little while!

Violetta: Okay Fran... Whatever you say.

Violetta, Fran and the rest of the group went the Resto Bar to hang out.

Suddenly, at the same time, Violetta and Francesca both saw a familiar face...

Francesca: Tomas! What are you doing here?

Francesca smiled at Tomas. Violetta could tell she really liked him.


"Hey Francesca..." said Tomas.

Then Tomas nerviously looked at me and smiled.

Francesca looked at me as well with a jealous glare.

"Oh so you two... know each other."

Fran looked a little upset.

Tomas was smiling and looking at me with admiring eyes. He was about to speak.

"No... well we don't know each other that well... we just bumped into each other... that was all" I said nerviously. I didn't want to make any drama for Francesca. I really wanted us to be friends!

However, Tomas' smile had gone.

"Oh ok!" said Francesca. Her frown had faded and she ran off after a few minutes to greet some other friends.

"Hey do you want to sit down and talk?" Tomas asked.

"Oh... sure" i replied smiling.

We talked for almost 15 minutes. He was really nice and funny. Occasionally he would give me a flirty smile. After a while, i realized i needed to go home. He offered to take me home, but i told him about my dad and how he didn't really enjoy seeing me talking to boys and all that. He understood. We stood up and he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed and felt my face turning red.

"Hey so um... i had a really great time talking to you" He smiled at me and we exchanged numbers.

"Thanks" i replied. "Me too."

"I'd love to take you out sometime, Call Me?" he smiled at me one last time and left the restaurant.

Even though it was only 15 minutes, i had already felt the chemistry.

I rushed home to write in my diary. When i had gotten home, my dad was a little mad and he warned me not to do that again. I said i was sorry. He accepted my apology and sent me to my room. I am just glad I didn't get grounded this time. Especially since i wanted to see Tomas again!

"What am I doing?" i asked myself. "Why do I feel this way?"

I kept on talking to myself in my room. "Do I like him?" "Yes" "No" "I don't Know!"

"I mean... i just met him"

"But we already have a strong connection..."

I looked outside my window. It was raining, like the day i slipped and fell into his arms.

I could imagine outside my window, everything that happened when he caught me. I felt a strange feeling inside of me. I kept looking outside the window...


Don't know if I'm wrong

Don't know if I'm right

Don't know if I should say it

Or keep it inside

Just what is this feeling

That's growing in me?

Could it be possible

That love was set free?

It's just I know, in my heart is real

And that I know, it's love I feel

When I searched I found answers to my loneliness

And this dream that we're living is real


I began to write in my diary...

I had been writing a song, a love song.

I know it might sound weird... but i wrote it for Tomas after he saved me.

I hope i get a chance to sing it for him.

I kept writing :

'Cause of you I feel heaven surround us

I love you, I love you

In your arms I feel no fear around us

I love you, I love you


Then i started writing in my diary about what happened today.

I had realized i forgot about talking about school... and then i remembered Leon.

I started writing:

✎ ✎ ✎ ✐ ✐ ✐

Dear Diary,

Today I attended my first day at STUDIO 21. I got a tour of Studio On Beat, and i even learned a few dance steps today. All my classes were pretty good. I met a boy today who saved me from some skateboarders, his name is Leon... he was really nice... although he has a girlfriend so i don't want to get in between their relationship. I also saw Tomas today, he is another boy who caught me when i almost fell into the mud. I am really clumsy...

I don't know if I want to hang out with Tomas and get to 'know" him in that way.. he's sweet but something is holding me back. It is probably just because i just met him...

"Ya thats totally why" said my conscience sarcastically.

"What... why are you saying it like that" I said.

"Maybe it's cause you like Leon! He's perfect and you know you can't resist them dimples!!"

"oh my god what is wrong with me" i said as i closed my book.

"But YOU do whatever YOU choose Violetta! If you want Tomas, don't let anything hold you back! BE STRONG"

"Okay Conscience!" i said.

I aggresively turned off my light with a mischievious smile. I felt silly and excited but I was pumped. Tommorow I am going to ask Tomas on a date!

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